Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Lol i was a half second late
  2. Plunder is the cash gotten when attacking
  3. The amount you get each fight/ dance-off.
  4. See you were late on that one xD
  5. How do I link my thread without it saying "Topic not found"?
    Warrior's Helper
  6. Go on online forums...Must be RA

  7. Oh, how do I do that code thing were it says
    Code: Select all
    How do I do that?
  8. Code:
  9. So I put
    is that right?
  10. Yes
  11. Hey I may be stupid for asking this but if a club forfeits a war against u
    The whole clubs active roseter gets an the same amount of money right cause my club won a war bye forfeit with a total in the 700 mil and I didn't get one cent
  12. Well how much plunder did you have from the war?
  13. Well me myself it was mostly the big hitters but I got a couple mill on my own and after the war I still got nothing from it
  14. That may be why because you had so little plunder, but this strikes me as unusual. If this happens again email expelling what happened.
  15. Okay but if that's the case it's not the first time I've been screwed by stuff like this before I won a War practically by my self and a guy joined he had higher stats did nothing took MORE then half the winnings and left I'm not whining or trying to sound whiny but it seems this always happens 