Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. I’ve never heard of them refunding gifts, but you’d have to ask via support if anything.
    Muschi likes this.
  2. ^ This. I would also have the person that sent it send a help ticket as well.
    Day likes this.
  3. I mean to gift some one you have to go to their profile. Tap gift. Tap on the gift. And then tap send. Thats alot of opportunity to back out before its sent. Ata would most likely just say to be more careful
  4. Hi, can anyone tell me how to use these slow jams and limos in a party?
    I just got a slow jam for the first but I have no idea how to use it
  5. They both have different activators you have to purchase in the Store in order to use them. Slow Jams have Slow Jam Spreaders, and Limos have Party Limo Keys.
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Got it! Thank you so much :)
  7. Fast way to find them is jd party store at the top n then club bonus tab then scroll down
  8. Is counter pro about the same hard as fake art pro? Idk coz only time i did counter pro was when i was noob n berly 1mcs so couldnt do fuck all on it any way
  9. I am fairly sure that counter pro is considerably harder than fa101pro.

    But not too sure.
  10. iight. Was rhinking maybe about the same coz the normal ones are about the same n but yehh. Havnt done many pros
  11. They don't follow the same pattern in my experience. Like easier nornal parties aren't necessarily easier pros.
    Day likes this.
  12. This is correct based off what I’ve seen. It’ll be a while before I know for sure though since I haven’t tested Pro parties yet.
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Quick question, What does max plunder mean?
  14. Means getting the most out of partys. You get more cash per hit and more cash from final payout on partys and it takes less hits to get drops. Yes you want it
  15. Weird
  16. Hello I am trying to contact support. My friend got expelled and they aren't sure why.
  17. Hit the icon in the upper left corner of the main menu. Then click help.

    Also, if you get expelled it usually says a reason.
    Muschi and Sansa like this.
  18. Yehh it says why instead of loading into the game
  19. Could you help me, Like explain how I get max plunder?
  20. 15m in tutors for every 1kcs of your stats.
    Muschi likes this.