Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Is anyone else so longer seeing the collectathon fest XC - I've Uninstalled and reinstalled but none since all the new content. 🤷‍♀️
  2. It’s not running at the moment, so it’s no error.
    --Tifa likes this.
  3. It is the same for me and I have been checking frequently the past 2 days. Anyone else know if this is temporary or permanent?
    robot25 likes this.
  4. Is anyone else unable to open the store since the new update came out (two days ago)?
    Whenever I try it closes the game😢
  5. Have you tried reinstalling the app?
  6. Uninstall reinstall
  7. Hi, I bought 4packs of 70ECs but they are still not loading and I've been waiting for like an hour now. ATA help center said to ask Google Play for a refund but Google Play said they are not doing refunds on in-app purchases. WHAT SHOULD I DO PLEASE HELP ME 😭😭😭
  8. You could try going to your bank directly they may ask for proof of both replies you received but they should be able to get you your money back if you haven’t received what was paid for
  9. Full close out of thr game then load the game up again. If that dont wotk restary your phone. If that dont dont uninstall and reinstall the game (make sure your acc ac linked to a email or facebook). If that dont work then idk
  10. These issues are typically addressed by Google or Apple depending on your device. If they’re refusing to refund you I would go to your purchase history and ensure that it’s reflected properly before speaking to ATA again.
  11. I don't know if it's just me but every time I ask ata for help I can't see the answer unless I reinstall the game😩
  12. Help tickets have been bugging out for me to but i always some how bresk the game so much ive ive got used to any new bug that comes up and just deal with it unless it propr fuckng me off then i tell ata whats going on. But even then with some things ata has given up coz they are propr mind fuckd as well on how my acc is broken 😂
    LilacHeaven likes this.
  13. So a friend had his account jere but never linked it is there a way to retrieve it or no?
  14. You’ll have to contact support.
  15. Ive sent my account related issue in the help center they required some info regarding my account nd ive sent it tooo, but i didnt get any response of that yet. What should i do
  16. Wait for them to respond? They got more to do then just help you
  17. Dont u think its kinda rude to say this to a person who has already lost his account?
  18. No. Coz the only people that can help is ata. Lirily all you have to do is wait. Your acc iznt lost
    TwinkLEyan and Soy like this.
  19. This will take a while, just wait for them to respond. Good luck!
    TwinkLEyan and Kaho like this.
  20. Hi I accidentally got sent a gift by a person named gaydonut and I didn't know till I accepted it, can the devs maybe refund them the 50 ecs? They were saving them up to gift a different person and I feel so fucking terrible. I also don't have the money to give them more ec's so please help, I just wanna help them. Thanks. I hope this is the right place to be if not let me know.