Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Yes! You got the furni at different tiers for the main story + side story.
    Day likes this.
  2. Just finished up upgrading my dorms to T7,does anyone know if its worth it to just skip straight to 11 or will I get there faster taking a detour at 9? If so do I fill or get a certain amount of them?
  3. It’s generally a matter of opinion when it comes to upgrading. There’s no right or wrong choice.

    I personally noticed little difference when upgrading around T7-9, but I chose to save up for T11 when I had the opportunity to do so.
  4. Well Im getting roughly 100b daily and a t11 is 6t so its just kinda daunting. So the jump from t7 to t9 wont increase the rate much? Any idea how many dorms I should fill out with my T7? I currently have 36
    BEARCRUMBS likes this.
  5. Most people skip T8 and T10, and I agree that the jump is quite large. Even when I was maxed out at T9 it felt troublesome to get to T11.

    I think that T9 is fine if you’re worried about saving up for T11.
    BEARCRUMBS likes this.
  6. How do i reset my game? I want to make a mew account?
  7. What does dn a party mean?
  8. Using a Doctor’s Note.
    Muschi and Voseph like this.
  9. Unlink your device or clear cache of the app and reinstall.
    Muschi and Voseph like this.
  10. How many chibis make a bento
  11. 10 of each chibi from the same bento set auto-combines into 1 bento. There are 4 chibis on each set so you'll need a total of 40. There are people who sell bentos for ANY 37 or 38 chibis so check out campus as well.
    Muschi likes this.
  12. I have a question about stats items.

    So I understand what are stat items but what does people mean when they say "X mcs single" or "X mcs mixed"?
  13. A single is one item that is worth the specified amount.

    Mixed refers to multiple items that add up to the specified amount.
    JusDreinJusDaun and Voseph like this.
  14. Does anyone know how to increase the percentage of the furniture?? I know upgrading increase stats but what about %??
  15. Percentage for furniture is achieved after Level 11.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. It is annoying that had to verify in email each time when we change between accounts/alts. PIMD correct it. Verifying once is enough.
  17. If you have concerns or feedback, you can just send a ticket to ATA.
    Muschi likes this.
  18. When the relationship task is on and u ask a friend could they be urs for fake, u don’t see where to turn it off or end it.
  19. How do you make an alt
  20. I dont really understand max plunder.
    Are you saying that 15m* kcs will give you max plunder, then in my case I have 400kcs (rounding) so 15m*400k=6T......which I do not have. Is this correct? Because I'm always upgrading and that amount which just get larger and larger.
    Also, I try to regularly upgrade, but the damage I do in parties doesn't really increase. At what point do my kcs need to be for me to start doing at least 200-300 damage in parties?