Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. I mean you can headcanon any avi as bi. For example every avi I use is automatically bisexual. But I would like an avi that has bi pride colors, it's nice to have that sort of recognition but it isn't high on my personal list of priorities.
  2. They can only make so many avatars. There is representation for bisexual individuals in the Pride gifts though.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. How do you check your CS?
  4. CS is combined stats. So it’s your raw intelligence plus your raw strength.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Alright tha6
  6. Hello, does anyone know from what hunt my rs dorm is?? It's kinda very old tho. thank you 💕
  7. It’s from the March Mayhem Hunt.
  8. I got this message from PIMD:

    I posted "phase 2" in cc with the club thing. By that, I meant we're in phase 2 for the party going on (rks) if anyone wants to join. I assumed people will get it (few people joined by the way).

    I thought the message was a mistake but I still decide to contact support anyways and I got this reply:

    And the ticket was closed immediately.

    So now, I'm scared of posting in cc with the club ad thing because I'm still not sure what the problem is.. Am I missing something?
  9. A moderator / devs probably don't understand you mean "phase 2" to mean you're on the second page of the party. I haven't seen anyone else use that phrase to describe it. It's likely a misunderstanding.

    I would recommend being more descriptive in the future to prevent this: "On phase 2 of POTD" for example. @Nickky_Nick
    YegDummy likes this.
  10. I explained to them what I meant though. And as the developers/moderators, I feel like they should have known what I meant..
  11. Okay, well still more words than just "phase 2" that advertises the club, like "on phase 2, need help" or something.

    But phase 2 isn't the phrase majority of people use to describe the second page of the party which is part of the reason the moderator gave you a warning in the first place. It's usually page 1, 2, 3, etc.
    Kandi_Gurl and YegDummy like this.
  12. Well, some cat cafe parties require admission price. Chibi usually I would suggest posting in campus chat stating you are looking for one. If you have a hypno cat then join or make a club. You can use it for cat cafe there 💕
  13. I have no questions but I would like to say thank you for making this💕🌹It was kind and is great for new members💛 Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
  14. How much should i sell furnitures?
  15. It varies a lot. But you can check recent posts here.
    Muschi and maev like this.
  16. How to sell furniture?
  17. Exchange it for goods and services with other players.
  18. Through the trading system in PMs.
  19. Does anyone know where the neko kissaten furniture is from?? I’ve seen individual pieces of it and stuff but never as a set. I looked through the box database guide and shop but I didn’t see it there either. Someone told me it was from the autumn springs hunt, but I don’t see it there either (though it does have similar furni)
  20. I’m pretty sure it was the set available through stories.

    It isn’t featured in my guide since it doesn’t come from any boxes.
    Muschi likes this.