Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Yeah, it doesn't sync with the use of speed ups.
  3. It's a different price for each combo. The combos vary widely in amounts of essence required and also rarity. The most common combos can be 20 chibis, and the most rare being upwards of 3🍱.
    -Dawnstar- and Day like this.
  4. How to sell items ?
  5. You give them the item in exchange for goods and services
  6. Use the trading feature in PMs.
    Day likes this.
  7. hi how do you combine cact owl? it says here i need to have 20 sprout and 20 mystery. i do have them but it won't combine :((
  8. mystery egg*
  9. You’ll need to trade the items to combine them.

    I’d suggest using an alt or friend to trade and trade back.
  10. Can we talk about the labyrinth timer box? I decide to open 2 and I got something that looked like a bulb and soil. Just that, nothing else.

    I don't think it makes any sense to open a box for 10 hours just to get that when hunt timer boxes (that are easier to get and take 2 hours less) give better things.

    What do y'all think?
    Grey_ey likes this.
  11. Those are furniture upgrade items, so they’re actually very useful! Timer boxes in general are just added chances to obtain items, so I don’t think the items need to be adjusted.

    Additionally the Labyrinth boxes are beginner timer boxes, so that’s likely why they don’t have items you desire.
    Muschi likes this.
  12. I saw that they are furniture upgrade items but it doesn't make any difference in my original post.

    If hunt timer boxes give good stuff and take 8 hours to open, isn't it logical that a box that takes 10 hours to open should have a higher chance of giving something better?
  13. In a sense yes.

    But it is still a box intended to be used by beginners. If you don’t feel that the contents are worth the time to open it then just leave the box alone.
    Muschi likes this.
  14. You're missing the point but okay
  15. The boxes do not have the same intention. So they’re not comparable.

    Plus they’re free to complaining about the drops is a bit greedy.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Once again, you're missing the point.
  17. I don’t think I am?

    You’re saying that because a box has a longer opening time, it should have better drops than a box with a shorter opening time, no?
    Muschi likes this.
  18. Yes, that.
    And I'm a "bit greedy" for suggesting something that actually makes sense?
  19. And I’m saying, that the boxes have different purposes.

    If you already understand that the Labyrinth boxes do not give items that you feel are fair for your time, why open them?

    To clarify by the way, suggesting something that “makes sense” is not what I found greedy. I personally think that expecting more from free opportunities is “a bit greedy”.
    Muschi likes this.
  20. Usually you have to recycle furniture to get those items. If you want more of the items being dropped than you can do that. It sucks they take a while to open but at the same time ATA gives speed ups liberally through stories.
    YegDummy and Day like this.