Can we get a Spring Cleaning option? Good for just 1 day or 1 week. Where we can gift our non giftable showcase items that we received from the Store. Not sell or trade, just gift. I’d love to get rid of some of my non stat items that just take up room.
10c is the going price for pink and gold. Since Gold (any of the male items) usually drops in price before pink, 7c is not unreasonable.
Whos an experiment player that knows about dvp and has done it before? I want do that to earn money but I can’t seem to find anybody. I’m also willingly to spend bentos to go up to $4T. And looking for a long term partner who would do dvp whenever
U can probly make ur own thread for this theres no real thread for dvp shìt. Would get more ateshin to not many people look this thread