Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Please how do I calculate my kcs
  2. Strength + intel on profile = your cc/kcs/mcs

    Buuut you’re at 179,446kcs
  3. How do I get a pimd crate?
  4. How many combined stats do dormmates give you?
  5. What does CC mean in terms of farming

    Eg new (club name) CC
  6. Why is there farming?
    How can I stop someone from farming me?
    Why is farming in the game? It only creates cyber-bullying!!!!!
    How can I get someone to leave me alone after I blocked them?
  7. Farming is what this game started as. Partys didnt used to ixist. This is a pvp game. That part of the game will never go away.
    If u want some one to stop ask them to and or pay cf or wait it out till they get bored.
    Blocking some one only stops them from.being able to talk to u. If they are making alts to get around the block u can send a help ticket to ata ixplaining about it. But apart from that u cant do shıt

    The best way to get it all to stop is uninstal and pritend this game dont ixist
  8. Cf is ceasefire
    Cc doesn't mean anything in relation to farming. New club cc. Cc clubs are cat cafe clubs. It could also be a club tag potentially, though I don't know of a club with that tag.
  9. If you have the male snow globe and the female one do you get two trained snowy owls?
  10. You have 2 globes. Only you can prevent forest fires.
  11. Where do I post Related complain about This abusers farming and bullying?
  12. You contact a mod if this bullying is against TOU. Farming isn’t against the rules, since you can either CF, arpee or run away from your target and become an sfw runner in the process.
  13. Where do I post Bullying Abuser Players? Anybody know?
  14. And why can’t I fight back?
  15. What kind of items and how many to buy from store?
  16. Certainly not in forums nor campus/pub chat. That’ll get you silenced af. There is no need to post them anywhere, since abusive players can be spot easily.
  17. Their stats are either higher than yours or far below yours. So it’s best to cf or run away in that situation ofc
  18. You might not be fighting whrn gou're fully awake/energized, might be using the wrong ability, or not using chance to your advantage.
  19. How do you fix your max plunder?