Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Am i the only one or this hunt doesn't released the bookcase?
  2. It doesn't have one. The Biblio bookcase looks well with the furni set tho
  3. Will there be a "earn credits" option ?? Like how some games you can buy credits or download other apps, take surveys and ect to earn them.
  4. No there likely never ever will be, this app is run by money hungry apes who enslave bank accounts
  5. Free ways to get stuff.
    ▪for ec or dn and bonus stuff - do the spinner thingy
    ▪for ec - do jobs (get dn from jobs at points as well if its ur 1st time doing them)
  6. actually this button popped up into my Store today; when i tap it nothing happens which i'm assuming is being fixed along with the Story bug rn... but it maaaay be what YesImPretty is saying?
  7. Must be android currently then I haven’t checked that but it’s not on iOS currently.
  8. Bet that earn free ec thing will probably be a 30 second video, which should give you 1-5 ec per watch, either that or a survey with 10ec as a reward.
  9. Look at the post ata made. Its servays games n other shıt
  10. YesImPretty predicted the future tbh
  11. How can I create new account? I badly need a RS. Thanks in advance
  12. In the "Account" section (right under the Forums button), link your account to an email or Facebook account. Then, tap on device linking and unlink current device.

    It will take you to the initial avatar selection screen. Do the tutorial, and eventually link that account to a different email or Facebook account. Please note that a new account cannot log out for the first 24 hours.

    You can access both accounts simultaneously if you have two devices (log into one account on each device) or if you use the cloning application "Parallel Space" and clone the PIMD app (and log into an account on each version).
  13. ^^^^^^^
    Only android can use that app. If u got iphone u gotta log in n out on same device
  14. How much money do you get back from just one piggy bank being sold back to the store? I know 10 gives about 4 bill but what about just one?
  15. 7.5m per piggy
  16. Remember this
  17. Pepperidge farms remembers
  18. how many times can i unlink my device ? or is it indefinite?
  19. Indefinite. There used to be a limit which is why you may receive a notif saying there is one, but just ignore it
  20. How can I find an RS that I can be with for several years without wasting my preciously earned ECs?