Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. More like 75m I think
  2. Kcs is x15m
    Mcs is x15b
    But then again I probly put to many numbers or some shıt xD

    Edit: im definly doing some thing wrong coz now it says 76b some one pm me xD
  3. So this might seem nooby but what exactly does hiring tutors do for you? Do you want tutors with higher stats or do you want tutors that cost more? And do they boost your money you receive when hitting parties?
  4. U need to spend a certain amount on tutors to give u mad plunder. Max plunder gives u max drops on partys. Looking at ur profile ur good on that and good on it for a while so no need to spend more money on tuts. The stats of the tut dont really matter but higher is better coz it gives u more of a boost for ur own stats
  5. Anyone know current price on the shelf tanks? All 3. Havnt seen them any where so gessing they are rare as fưck r some shıt. The 2 fish ones and snake one. Price for each plz
  6. They’re usually a bento each
  7. Does anyone know how much lvl 1 and lvl 2 Frenchie the Bulldog (499) costs? Or a price range?
  8. Seen people buying lvl 1 for 25-30 bentos
  9. How do you make your own club here...?
  10. What are bentos and chibis? What purpose so they have?
  11. You get chibis from the spinner and if you get enough (40) of a certain type, they create a bento. Bentos and chibis give you misc stats but people also use them as currency to buy/trade items/furniture.
    First you have to be clubless (aka, you can’t be in another club and try to create a new one). Then click on the club button and select “create a new club” or “make new club”. I think it costs $600 million (or 200 ec) but I can’t remember ?
  12. Any idea of the range VIP furniture sells? Or at least the shelf items and above plant?
  13. why does pimd promote bullying
  14. who can i contact,somekne broke the pimd rules and regulation badly and is affecting the gameplay
  15. take a ticket in the help section and try to find evidence to provide a.t.a.
  17. How to you post a picture on here
  18. Go to
    Select fpicture and/or size
    Tap upload now
    Copy and paste the IMG code for forums
    change IMG into imgfit
  19. if a person is in sfw does, why does that mean they engage all the rp stuff, when sfw means safe for work? shouldn't it be nsfw?
  20. Sfw does mean safe for work but sfw also means strip farm war.

    If you see "SFW" on any PIMD channels, you should assume it means strip farm war. Unless the context indicates otherwise.

    Here is another a link to other common terms you will see whilst playing PIMD.