Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. How is the bonus to pupil determined. I have 2 alts (3.2 mcs and 3 mcs) but there is a difference of 1b in pupil bonus. Can anyone tell why there is this difference?
  2. How to make my pup stop rp-ing? ._.
  3. you cant
  4. How-to retrieve the campus chats in pimd?? I mean I have no speaker items ryt now
  5. How-to retrieve the campus chats in pimd?? I mean I have no speaker items ryt now
  6. People who play the game get speakers :)

    If you don't actively upgrade you won't regen speakers each day.
    (You need 9 rooms)
  7. Um well I have 13 doctors notes and when I try to go to the store and use one I can't connect to the store so I was wondering if pimd can fix the problem so u can use my doctors notes on pimd
  8. you can't access the store probably cause you have a cloned version of the app or uninstalled google play services.
  9. ;) I'll teach you
  10. Doctors notes are used at the nurse, not the store, that may be the issue.
  11. ^don't you have to go to the store to access the nurse tho?
  12. They're pretty different. The store is where you can buy hypnocats, pots, activate carepacks, etc. The nurse is where you can get a name change, regens, buy EC and DN's, etc.
  13. Has anyone checked if the plunder from maxing out a crew of x tier is higher or lower than the level 1 version of the next tier? I feel like this game seems hard because everyone tells you to skip tiers which would only make since if there's no incentive to max a crew.

    Example: If I fill my 32 dorms with T5 crews and level them all to max level would I make more money than I would if I replaced all of them with T6 lvl 1? I know it's more gold efficient stats-wise to skip upgrading but if it's only say 5% more efficient to skip but you make 10% more if you upgrade then maybe the game would seem less grindy and hopeless.
  14. I thought t1,t2,t3 maxxed give more plunder, t4/t5 is level2 maxxed , 3-4 give no add plunder..I forgot if t6 gave more, I think was a trickle better for lv3-4 and I never upgrade t7 past level1 so no idea .. T8 I think better plunder level2-4 but nothing special to write to mother about .. T9 I believe pays better, but just here say, I don't think I'll ever have any level2-4 :lol: hope it helped some
  15. So would you say that a lvl 4 T4 gives more money and less stats than a lvl 1 T5?

    I know that's how it used to work in kaw way back when I played it.
  16. Never mind I'll just save a bit and test it personally. I can't see this game working as initially designed if the best way to play was to skip tiers lmao. Imagine trying to save to buy crews an entire tier above where you should be buying whilst constantly being attacked  there's gotta be more to it than I'm being told
  17. Update: This game design is terrible and upgrading serves next to no purpose until final tiers. Upgrading a 600m crew to max didn't even come close to the increase in plunder I got by replacing with the next tier up lvl 1.
  18. how to find when i started to play.?
  19. Does avi percent stats go into play with how many items you get that drop from parties? For example: if an avi is 10% Intelligent and 45% strength then will it drop more than a 45% intel/ 10% strength or will it stay the same?