Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. I entered cc party sir, when we finish the party.. in history told my cash won is 15.4b.. but in my notice i just received 5.3b.. i'm kind of curious where was the 10.1b? ?
  2. Look in your thread
  3. you earned the 10b on the money bars.
  4. So what is ata cause I want to know more about it. if it is ok can u please explain what they do in ata ??
  5. ATA is a game making or software making company as some people call it.They do what similar companies does,they make games and they try to make profit out of it.
  6. My question: why everyone says they are leaving game and they just return in 2 days ????
  7. I'm not really sure, but I think they don't realize how much they enjoy the game until they leave. This has been a common occurrence for over five years lol
  8. What is max plunder? How do you do dvp? What are bumping of tuts? What is ttv? What are mercs? Sorry that's a lot ?
  9. Max plunder the max amount of money you can make from hitting a party or hitting a player. Dvp is when you volley with someone and after your done you drop that tut
  10. What's the PPOTD AND POTD?
  11. POTD: Limo Luxury

    Remember the POTD and PPOTD change at 3:00PM EST everyday.

    What is a bento box pro

    It's 300kcs stat item that drops from Cat Cafe & Cosplay Please Pro... it's in your showcase

    Check here
  14. How do I open a bread box? I bought a key but I can't figure out how to open it. ?
  15. I don't understand coffee cards. What can I do with them?
  16. They help you complete the story tier for this current hunt (the messages you get on that phone on the left side of the screen).

    They should automatically open if you have a bread box when you attempt to purchase the key. If they don't, just restart your app. :)
  17. How to make forum great again?
  18. I missed an update. When and why did ata remove the "free" version of the furniture box key and only have the gold key available
  19. How to get more money
  20. Where Should I report People who scammed me?