If you are talking about the money amount on your profile, yes it does have an effect, but there is a point where your pupil's plunder is maxed out. So chances are they are not receiving that whole bonus but more like portion of what it says on your profile when they fight/dance other users. They can check if they are at max plunder by fighting another user that they can win against with ease, buying a new tutor, allowing their health to regenerate back to full, and fighting the same user again. If their cash earned from the fight increases they are not at max plunder. If it stays the same they are. Let me know if you have any more questions.
They are asking what you want as your club title that is displayed below your club name on your profile
What is the red fur good for? Would it benefit me trading it for a relationship with a 200kcs player?
The red fur provides a 10kcs (5k strength 5k intelligence) stat bonus to your base stats (the numbers in the blue and red bars at the top of your pimd home screen) while fighting/dancing/eavesdropping/pranking (or the party equivalents). Having miscellaneous stat bonuses is helpful for war and for confrontations with other students. If you have enough miscellaneous bonus, you will notice that it will make you do slightly more damage in parties and make pro parties slightly easier (less chance of hit failure for low stat players).
I answered your question in PM because you also asked there, but here is a link to a thread of mine that could be useful.
The crispy remnant is a Galactic Nope 7 that exploded. It only seems to have happened for some users, so I think that the event of this occurring is completely randomized. The users that I've spoken to say that their Galactic Nope 7 exploded within hours of being purchased from the store.
The silencing durations go as follows: First Silence: 1 day Second Silence: 1 week Third Silence: 1 month All silence durations after your third depend on how long has past since your last silence. 30 Days Without Silence: 1 month 60 Days Without Silence: 1 week 90 Days Without Silence: 1 day
I'd like to know how to get a percentage bonus on awards? I have finally got my first awards bonus how can I add percentages to that so it doesn't look so blank on my profile? Ty in advance if you've got an answer cause I've searched all the guides and seen none.
In order to get a percentage bonus from awards, you have to complete a party 50 times. The awards do not exist for all parties, but there is an award for most the regular parties. Hope this helps you can wall or PM me if you need more help!
In order to get a percentage bonus from awards, you have to have played for over a year. The bonuses are as follows: 1 year: 1% bonus to strength and intelligence 2 years: 2% bonus to strength and intelligence 3 years: 3% bonus to strength and intelligence 4 years: 4% bonus to strength and intelligence 5 years: 5% bonus to strength and intelligence