Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Honestly, I don't know anyone who would turn away a player just because they're from kaw. This whole kaw/pimd rivalry is crap. On another note, try asking in campus. You might have better luck there.

    You might want to consider upgrading first, most clubs won't accept you with those stats
  2. If I'm not mistaken, the only way you would receive the ask was if you logged in within the 24 hours of Valentine's Day. Push comes to shove, I'd email to double check with support.
  3. How do u this a party
  4. You participate in parties by attacking the party. If you're too weak, try asking for a volley in world chat (campus chat) or I'll hire you and volley you myself in order to help you upgrade.
  5. People like you are the reason we have 100+ noobs in wc begging for volleys ?

    No support ?
  6. I'll hire all of em m8 ?
    Some be weird af in tc. I love it. 
  7. What is a "perm"?
  8. ^ It's a curled hairstyle that you should go to the salon and have taken care of.
  9. Permanent member of a club. Pretty explanatory.
  10. :lol:
  11. Hello! I'm new here and I'm interested in actually playing the game. My name is Kaylee and I used to be a "High School Hero" addict. This game is quite similar to it.

    Anywho, I believe strategy is key. Can anyone give me tips on how to play this game? :)
  12. That would depend entirely on what you want to get out of the game. ? Do you want to war, battle, party, etc
  13. :lol: omfg
  14. I want high stats pretty much. Are there any tips on how I can do that? And also, can anyone explain to me what are hunts and how do you do them?
  15. check out this Guide for New Players.

    Once you make money, you'll be able to upgrade your dorm and dormmates. Tap this Guide to the Dorms and Crew of PimD for information about SOME of the dorms and dormmates. Lastly, you are curious about what kind of dorm build you'd prefer check out this Guide to Builds.
  16. @Toxic

    Welcome to PimD!

    To get started, check out this Guide for New Players. After you get on your feet some fast and easy ways to earn money, include jobs, partying, and hitting others. Those are all explained in the above link.

    When you make money, you'll be able to upgrade your dorm and dormmates. Tap this Guide to the Dorms and Crew of PimD for information about SOME of the dorms and dorm mates. If you are curious about what kind of dorm build you'd prefer check out this Guide to Builds.

    Some other helpful guides to check out are Terms used in PimD. You may see people in relationships or single, for more info about that check out Guide to Relationships of PimD. Then you may also see people with blue, green, or red names so for more info about them check out Honor students demystified.

    Finally make sure to take a look at Forum Code of Conduct and the Terms of Use (ToU)

    If you have any questions, feel free to wall or follow me.✌️Good luck.

    As for wanting high stats, it will take you quite some time to achieve big stats unless you're willing to spend real life money here. The way a hunt works, normally, is you receive different item drops from specific parties you participate in. If you get a certain number of item drops, at the end of the hunt, you're able to get new avatars and stat items for your showcase.
  17. Oops, I messed up on a new code and can no longer edit it.?

    So here's a revised version of the last part of the intro:

    Finally make sure to take a look at Forum Code of Conduct and the Terms of Use (ToU)
  18. My question is : who was overall rank 1 before 00_Mulva ?
  19. Where all my boombox??i buy all my boombox via ts,ec gift and item.but now,all my 45 boombox is gone.its not fair to me.u should ask before take someone item.
  20. They removed it from your showcase. I saw that some people still have them because they either didn't participate at all(no rhymez), either they had it as a pending gift.