Make a thread on it or suggest it in a thread created by PIMD on ideas. But remember that when you create threads on ideas and suggestions, it's best to know some decent bb coding, add images and pretty much do your research (like if the idea has already been done) so that your idea will have a better reception.
What do u do when u accidentally cancel ur connection with ata will I be able to get back on that account or no??
No really sure what you mean by "cancel ur connection" However, you can always email support for access to your account., include your username, game you play (PIMD) , and the issue. remember, send one message and wait dont spam
If you mean delinking it then yes you can get it back provided you remember the email and password you used. And by the way, DO NOT SHARE THAT INFO WITH ANYONE
From the main menu in the upper left hand corner, tap the horizontal lines and select "Help". From there, it should open the help menu. Then tap "Getting Started". It should help but if you have more questions, you can always post back here or wall me and I can answer ASAP.
Welcome to PimD! To get started, check out this Guide for New Players. After you get on your feet some fast and easy ways to earn money, include jobs, partying, and hitting others. Those are all explained in the above link. When you make money, you'll be able to upgrade your dorm and dormmates. Tap this Guide to the Dorms and Crew of PimD for information about SOME of the dorms and dorm mates. If you are curious about what kind of dorm build you'd prefer check out this Guide to Builds. Some other helpful guides to check out are Terms used in PimD. You may see people in relationships or single, for more info about that check out Guide to Relationships of PimD. Then you may also see people with blue, green, or red names so for more info about them check out Honor students demystified. Finally make sure to take a look at Rules of Conduct (RoU) and Terms of Use (ToU) If you have any questions, feel free to wall or follow me.️Good luck.