Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Plss tell me how to get party drops
  2. By hitting a party
  3. Why can't I buy the deals without signing into Google ata. I've missed all kinds of deals I wanted to buy. But I can't wtf
  4. What are you talking about sign into goggle acct.
  5. It's a glitch. Many players have experienced it. Devs are working on it
  6. In real pimd terms we call these... Dance cows or attack cows / farms... I've never heard those terms 
  7. I also can't purchase daily deals
  8. Not true actually. I've experimented with this before and I was able to log into my account again perfectly fine. I don't remember what the max is though. Either way you can always just email ATA to unlock your account

  9. You can still access this account just not on that device that you Delinked it from.
  10. Wombraider is right. You can link it again. Max is like 5times. I've done it myself
  11. Yep, I got the same message. I linked it back 5 mins later without an issue
  12. You can't link another account before 24hrs though
  13. I am living proof you noobs.
    Well not now because this phone is new but it was like 5 months ago jstjktgegjohdbkkfa
  14. How can that be possible?! Like a few weeks ago when I delinked my account from my iPhone I had to wait 24hrs before I could log in again on that phone ???
  15. Because I'm Bob. Bob from VPN.

    Jk I actually wasn't using VPN
  16. Soz I'm wrong. You can log in right after 

    Wot new phone bby. ;)
  17. Did you just do it rn? LOL
  18. Hell nah I just asked in cc. Apparently you can login with another account right after you delink, but you gotta wait 24hrs if you want to login with the same account on the phone
  19. Fuck off u wanker
  20. I have kinda a dumb question how do I suggest an avi idea??