You can win hypnocats off the spinner You can win them if they drop from a party. I believe they also drop from the Calavera boxes However, it is pretty rare for any of these to happen. I believe those are the only 3 ways. Your best bet is to just buy them really.
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I would just divide their kcs by half. So if they were 100kcs, I'd say 50b. It also depends on activity and how much they put into their account and how much you want to keep them. This is just a "guide" for me but not a solid rule.
as long as u want it and can afford it its up , there is nothing called up or op anyway hire buttom always available but it has concequences, free market comes with free hits sometimes
Why are high stats always bully noobs?? Does that make em feel good? (Dont reply me with salt images trolls)
That's an unfair generalization to make because there are plenty high stats who don't "bully". Based on game experience, bullying can mean a lot of things. If it's farming, farming itself isn't bullying. If you're being harassed on your wall, just block. A lot of times people overreact in the game and it only provokes others. Stats have nothing to do with it.
60b ts = 60b tut strip as in hiring 60b worth tutor, 10b dvp means 10 b drop volley profit as in hiring a tut back and forth till you compiled a benefit of 5b
oh so if we're doing ts for example 60b ts, i give a tut's name to the dealer which worth 60b and dont hire back?