Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. What means "no farm"
  2. Means they dont want you to farm them. Farming means to attack the same person over 5 times a day
  3. So is like cheaten?? Why?
  4. Thanks a lot. I'm new on this
  5. Ok jack me again when i try to fight appears a message defender too weak
  6. That means they Either have no more money or have less then 20% intelligence and strength
    BigBJudy likes this.
  7. No problem
    BigBJudy likes this.
  8. Hope you guys enjoy my help
    Trixibelle and BigBJudy like this.
  9. That's not right. If it comes up defender too weak this means you don't have any strength and intelligence left to attcked with or that the peson the you are attacking has too small stats for you, do you are unable to hit him. This is so the bigger people are not allowed to hit the smaller people as this would be unfair.
  10. No sorry bud it would say not enough units if you didn't have enough units and also ur second point is correct but who would want to attack some that is way weaker than them in times on non-war. What I stated is accurate information, but I appreciate your willingness to question things you disagree with.
    BigBJudy likes this.
  11. Bump
    BigBJudy likes this.
  12. Sorry you are right. But it will say defender too weak if the person that is being attacked has no more strength or intelligence left.
  13. It's ok I am here to help, you actually stated a valid point that I left out, but also stated an invalid one.
    BigBJudy likes this.
  14. Yh I got mixed up with me and the defender. Lol
  15. It happens :)
    BigBJudy likes this.
  16. Bump
    BigBJudy likes this.
  17. Bump
    BigBJudy likes this.
  18. What does bump mean?