Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. How do u reset? if u change ur user name from the nurse will that make ur stats go to zero? What is the stat ranges for a t1-t4?
  2. You reset by sending an email to that explains that you wish to reset on PimD and why. You must include your game name. If you change your name nothing happens to your stats.
  3. If I'm in a war and I put all my money in the bank, will people still be able to get money to add to the war taxes? I know u won't get money if a person banks all money and u attack them when not in war. I'm asking about only in wars
  4. Sorry if that was confusing... Could a club have all members bank their money everytime they fight, making it where the other can get no money and they do?
  5. Any money in a bank is safe no matter whether in a war or not
    The Helper
  6. edocnoslen:
    To answer your 2nd question: yes, to a certain extent.

    A club can get all members to bank or otherwise keep their cash (other methods include pots and tutors) so as to minimise what the other club wins. However, you need to bear in mind 2 things:

    1. The club members are earning money during war with each successful hit, so it needs to be a continuous process.

    2. Cash won is not equal to cash lost. Cash lost is dependent on the amount of cash the target is holding; the more you hold, the more you lose. Cash won by the attacker is calculated mainly based on stats, tutors and pots; the amount is generally independent of the amount the target loses. So the target can lose no cash because they aren't holding any, but the attacker will still win cash with each successful hit.

    Hope that helps.
  7. I was answering both with one question because if you can bank safely war your whole club can bank safely even though it would be a continuous process.
    The Helper
  8. The attacker won't be awarded money if they don't have tutors because when the defender doesn't have money it is the tutors bonus that the attacker is receiving.
    The Helper
  9. I'm fairly sure when the defender doesn't have money, it's the tutor bonus that drops and cash won stays roughly the same.
  10. Here let me test someone bank there cash
  11. I'll bank my money and you can hit me! Thanks for the help!
  12. No I am right and by the way the both go down as your strength and intelligence decrease.
    The Helper
  13. I win but I know from other opponents that what I said above is true.
  14. Why am I silenced for saying queer when it was NOT blocked by the filter?!?! That's bull crap! They can't silence you for words that are normal words! Dictionary definition of queer isn't mean or hateful. So they had no right to silence me.
  15. Huh? Are we talking about the same thing? We're talking about the effect that the amount of money the defender holds has on the amount the attacker wins, right? It has nothing to do with str and int decreasing..?

    You need to hit the same opponent twice: once when he's holding cash and once when he has zero cash. All other variables being constant (full regen, same pots and tutors on both sides, etc).

    Can we see screenshots of the 2 battle reports for comparison?
  16. The word queer may not have a mean or hurtful meaning but the context you used it in may have
  17. I said "they are whining LIKE a bunch of queers" lol that is not harmful, harassing, or hateful. I'm not hating them or being racist. It's not causing harm against them cause I did NOT call them queers. And it's not harassment because I did not tell them they are queers or continually spam them.
  18. yes but using the word queer to describe a person who is not heterosexual can be seen as hurtful because it implies they are strange etc, plus stereotyping all as being whiners. It isn't hurtful to the people to whom you were speaking of but to those you were comparing to, if you know what I mean!
  19. David:

    You were silenced for 2 reasons:

    1. Opening someone up to be farmed. So regardless your definition of the word "queer", this would still have stood.

    2. Please follow your own advice (in your original thread) and look up the definition of "queer". There is only one definition when the word is used as a noun (which was how you used it). There are a few different online dictionaries available, but generally it is defined as "informal derogatory term for a homosexual". Which is the second reason you were silenced (use of homophobic language utilised in a derogatory manner).

    Hope that answers your question.
  20. What are pots, how do they work, and where do I get them??