Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. You can only mention it about PIMD's page, giving out yours, or some one else's and asking, is still against the rules.
  2. Yes it can be considered 3rd party app if you give other players your personal information.
  3. I believe you can make reference to Facebook, however you can't advertise your Facebook pages or ask to add people on Facebook.

    Double check it by walling a mod or email support
  4. Can you talk about Other ATA game's?
  5. You can talk about Other ATA games, The ATA and PIMD Facebook page, and ATA/PIMD related pal groups.
  6. The only thing you can't do while Talking about the other games is start a forum war with the other games and such.

    :) you will get banned for this (If my memory serves me correct from the screen shot I have)
  7. You can talk about any game, as long as you don't start a forum war/riot, nor give out, or ask for game id's, only game id's you're allowed to give out are for other ATA app's; Kaw, Gaw, Fs, meego and soon smash.
  8. ^ yep

    ?Please tell me I don't need to get the SS for that btw.
  9. I can't post a thread. Every time I posted a subject, it says 'please specify a subject' and I try again and again with different topics and subjects. So what am I doing wrong? Thanks for all help provided.ツ
  10. try full closing the app and trying again.
  11. I know if you use the new emoji in a thread title posting a thread doesn't work, so try to use old emoji or no emoji at all.
    Other than that, restart the app and try to post the thread again.
  12. That's true Zach. Also, if you switch from Wifi to 3G and vice versa while on you can't post so you have to force close the app.
  13. Guys, I tried both, and within the span of two weeks. I don't why it won't let me create threads. Because this problem started two weeks ago.
  14. Which categories are you trying to post a thread on?
  15. There are certain sections you can't post on /).(\
  16. These sections you can't post in


    •Rules of Conduct




    •Best Of

    •Getting Started

    •Help Topics

    Also you can make a thread from Active Topics board either!
  17. I tried on Other PIMD Discussion.