Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Yes... kinda. When you " win " against any job you have a chance to get EC. But not for getting 100% on any particular job.
  2. What are the tut kcs values
    And how much is each dorm cost to open
  3. Tut=tutor
    Kcs= thousand combined stats

    The value differs

    And there is a guide for the last question I believe
  4. Are you still answering questions?
  5. This thread is open always for questions about PimD
  6. what is the benefit of dvp and dvnonp??
  7. What are the benefit of dvp and dvnonp ???
  8. The person doing it loses money because they have to drop the tutor(s). The person receiving the money makes money because they do not have to drop any tutors. People use both of these methods to transfer money to other users in which they want to help out. I hope that explains it, if not feel free to pm me with further questions.
  9. What are the permanent items in the store good for
  10. Explain how DVP works its soooooooo confusing that makes me wanna punch someone
  11. Perminant items add to your stats... barely.

    DV's are drop vollies, idk what the P would be for
  12. DVP stands for Drop Volley Profit. So say someone says they want 3b DVP, that means that you keep drop volleying with them until they earn 3b.

    3b DVNP stands for Drop Volley Non Profit, and so you would just drop volley with them until 3b once and that's it.
  13. Thanks dragon cause i got +94000/+54000 and +30%/+30% from my misc item bonus what is it good for
  14. Once you reset does your previous silences 'go away' like for example some one was silenced twice and then reset, if he returns and gets silenced again is it a perm or a first offence?
  15. It would be a perm silence. Resetting doesn't remove any of your silences whatsoever.
  16. Interesting, I've heard over wise. ?
  17. Otherwise* ???
  18. How do I get 10 ec fast and easy?
  19. Easiest, fastest way is to buy EC from the nurse. Otherwise, try spamming the easiest jobs; they randomly drop extra credits.
  20. Each job has a 2% rate of dropping. But if you're not very patient, and would rather just get ten ecs straight away, then buying is the fastest way.