Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. My post didn't appear completely...
  2. Don't use the "and" symbol, it cuts off posts
  3. I'm trying to change my name, and I have plenty of extra credits. But every time I try to it says invalid user name. Please help me out!
  4. Why is my eggplant small?
  5. You should plant it deep in there to feel good and when it comes out it will be bigger
  6. Wall the answer cuz I probably won't look here again

    Mkay deuces
  7. You might be using symbols that the pimd system doesnt accept.

    I think you are only allowed to use numbers, letters, _'s, and -'s.
  8. As mags said, whilst also it might already be in use.

    If the name you're trying to use consists of letters, numbers, _ or - only, then the name may already be in use, go to the people list and search the name, if the name can't be found it might've been reset and not yet cleared from ATA's servers, so you might need to email to clear the name so you can use it.
  9. How many jobs are there in total
  10. There is a total of 90 jobs, the last job being plank power.
  11. Any farm for me? I want 1.3-1.4mcs ツ thanks :)
  12. But i have completed 982 jobs. How is it possible if there are only 90 jobs as you said..
  13. 90 jobs in can do each job more than I have over 20,000 jobs done, but only the 90 to choose from
  14. when did this game come out?
  15. December 22nd 2010
  16. Chan you don't have high enough stats to hit that high
  17. Why do people silence u for saying follow me
  18. They dont , you must have said something else. Did you ask for ppl under 17? Or bypass? They look st ststuses and wallposts too
  19. I know I got silenced for just saying follow me
  20. In that case
    email, in the email include:
    • your username
    • the game you play (pimd)
    • a description of the issue with as much detail as you can add

    Hopefully itll work it out well for you, Good luck!