Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. @chija You get 60% of the tutor's original price when you drop it.
  2. And about 57% of their current price at the time at which you drop.
  3. What's a Dv?
  4. People should really read before asking a question -_- asking the same quentions over and over lol. Must get sicking for the person who made the thread
  5. I'm not going to read Thur 417 pages -_- smart one
  6. Right lol ignore my comment :L
  7. DV is Drop Volley; two players volley (hire back and forth) another player to a certain amount abd the person who keeps in the end drops the tutor to get a partial refund. This is done to help a player or players make money.
  8. Which gives more money - dance farm or fight farm?
  9. Dance if you're skimming, fight if you're unloading.

    Skimming: hitting every 5 minutes, 2 hits, regain, 1 hit, regain< method for dance
    2 hits, regain, 2 hits, regain, 2 hits, regain, 2 hits regain, 1 hit, regain< method to skim for fight
  10. What would i rather have change my 8 lvl4 t3 to t4 or rather have one t5!which will give bigger stats?the t3 to t4 or t5?
  11. If u wil answer this just wall me the answer ! Thx
  12. How much KCS do you need to hit a pro party
  13. I heard that you need around 200-300kcs
  14. how long does it take to be fully regen from 0?
  15. How do you lock a thread
  16. Ask a mod or support
  17. How do you farm people ?
  18. You go to someone's profile, you hit battle then you fight or dance them several times, then come back when at full health, do it again , then come back again later, then hit again  keep doing this until you or your opponent is out of all money
  19. I sent an email to support, but I havent gotten the automated message that is usually sent out when you email then, ive waited like 30 minutes, could something be wrong?