Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Change location or service provider...
  2. In parties, is the cash reward calculated the same way as war tax is? Like when you hit money bars, is a percentage of it taken out or is the reward just based on number of hits?
  3. From my findings so far, dance/rave/tease gives back 33-35%
    Fight/snark/hi-five gives back around 50%
  4. Why did a moderater post on my wall after I got silence. .
  5. Maybe to tell you something?
  6. Could u make another account !?
  7. If you have an another device, Yes.
  8. The mod was most likely telling you what you did wrong and to avoid doing that in the future.
  9. Why does my pimd app crash whenever I go to CLUB interface? It always says, "unfortunately, pimd has stopped." N has 2 button underneath saying, "report" & "force close" :"((((
  10. email, in the email include:
    • your username
    • the game you play (pimd)
    • a description of the issue

    Just to show your issue more clearly I would add a few screenshots of the problem as well.

    Good luck!
  11. Does ur plunder also depends on ur stats? I mean like, when I attack a fight farm, I get less than when I attack a dance farm. The fight farm's kcs is also higher than that of the dance farm..
  12. Yes it does depend on your stats, but I typically make more money from dancing as well and I'm even stats. From my experience dancing generates more plunder when attacking another individual when you have even stats. I have not tested it for when the stats are uneven. I hope this I'm sure Zach will come add to this.
  13. Do you get more money Dancing then fighting?
  14. Yes, at least when you have even stats. I have not tested it for uneven stats.
  15. Same for uneven, but the amounts are pretty close because for fight you hit 2-2-2-2-1 and dance you hit 2-1-2-1
  16. I've been trying to figure this out, but I cant quite figure it out.

    What makes more money:

    Farming with max plunder
    Winning a regular pay pro party?
  17. It depends on whether you have a quality farm or not but typically farming with max plunder.
  18. A strength heavy build produces more plunder for both dance and fight. Being with a bunch of people with same stats it's been easy to find this out, since there is very little that our plunder will vary.

    What I've also notice in wars, is that the higher your strength energy is, the higher your plunder will be.

    For example, in two different wars, war A and war B:

    War A: during this war, the opposing side decided they'd try to pin my dance first, causing my energy to be 60% fight and 20% dance approximately.

    War B: this war they tried to pin my fight first, and lowered my dance a little, again, as with war A, I was approx 20% fight and 60% dance energy.

    In both ways, I had the same target, and I tried dancing. I made more plunder the time that I was 60% str and 20% intel compared to 20/60%

    These wars where within a day or two, so the change in tb would've been almost nothing.

    With these findings, and with pro parties comparing my plunder with others with a close to same tb as myself but different builds, I am lead to believe the higher your strength energy is, the greater your plunder will be.

    But in the same hand, the crew that you have also make a difference.

    Lets take an example of a t3bc which is 91kcs, and a player with t5's to equal as close to 91kcs. The one built up with only t5's made more plunder even tho it had many empty dorms, and stats where about the same, nearly 2mil plunder more. Both being at max plunder and hitting the same target.

    The war example I personally experienced, and the t3bc vs t5 to equal 91kcs was by a friends alt and one of my tutors.

    So in all, it's a combination of the certain crew, and higher strength energy which will produce the greater plunder.
  19. Which stats give higher and faster money?
    900k/500k or 500k/900k?