What is farming?? I know it sounds stupid but I don't know what it is cause in some clubs it says no farming.
This means you have completed all the jobs. You can still carry on doing jobs by pressing the show all button.
Can anybody help with wall art? I know how to make the text in forums change color but does that work on wall and chats? Red!!! . And help with the pictures like planes, cows, smileys, etc. Thanks!
Admins Admins have more authority over the club than members but not as much authority as the Owner. There can be more than 1 Admin in a club. Admins can: Give members titles. Kick members out of the club. Admins cannot kick out other Admins or change their title. Accept/Reject Wars In Manage an Admin can: Accept and Reject Applicants Disable Join Requests Update Club Info Leave the Club