Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. What DV stands for and the meaning of it and how to do it
  2. D= Drop
    V= Volley
    There are two ways

    The first is to volley with someone and for one person to keep the tutor and then drop it. The person who didn't drop the tutor earns money.

    The second is to hire and drop someone (or have someone do it to you) for them (or you) to earn money.
  3. What does KC stand for and what does it actually do? Sorry if this has been answered before OTL
  4. KCS
    K-stands for thousand
    cs-combined stats

    Basically it's your strength plus intelligence combined. For example, if you have 3,000 strength and 4,000 intelligence, that means you have 7kcs.
  5. What can I do to actually change myself on here like change my character? cuz I really want to
  6. where can one find an lcbc who will bacon rp with them?
  7. To change your ID card (avatar)- Go to the Store, tap on the nurse. Scroll down, you should see your current avatar/ID pic along with the option to change it underneath. Avatars range from 5-55 extra credits, depending on the stat bonus they provide.

    Bacon RP- I have no idea, sorry :( but gl with that 
  8. HelloWhen a tutor is dropped, when does its hire value go down? Also, does it only go down once or every time the answer in the first question is met? (For example, 1 week. So every week, its value depletes.) Thanks.
  9. I believe the value goes down every 3 days if no one re-hires the tut.
  10. ^My value went up and down when i was dropped :D i'm special
  11. Lol it did? I thought it went  every 3 days but I could be wrong... Sorry ?
  12. You value drops 20% when you are dropped, and drops another 20% every 3 days that you don't have a pupil.
  13. How do you play a sport here?
  14. Can I send money to other tutor?
    Thx for help
  15. I haven't heard of sports playing here, sorry I can't help you there :(

    You can't transfer money to tutors, but you can do drop volleys with them so that they can earn cash. With drop volleys, you volley (hire another player back and forth) a player to a certain hire price, and after the person who is keeping the tut (the one offering the dv) drops the tut for a refund.
  16. i directly go to last page

    What Ec mean?
  17. Extra Credits, those are the orange gems on the bottom left side of the space that shows how much money you have.

    Extra credits are used to buy certain items from the Store (for stat boosts), to regen your energy to 100%, to buy speakers and for certain gifts.

    You can get extra credits by doing jobs-they drop randomly from successfully completing jobs-or by buying them from the Nurse (you can access the nurse through the Store).
  18. hey guys i have a pretty weird qs ( thing tht happened to me today) while i was pm one of my clannies i got a popup tht said " i was able to send the msg but may have had a problem trydeleting some msgs " if anyone can tell me y i got tht or what it meens ( besides the obvisus one) tht would b awsome thx guys/gals
  19. Memory usage full error? Turn your phone on and off, simple fix, I get it all the time.