Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Totally that's why I apologised

    And war stamps are your current fight and dance losses. They are posted mainly at the beginning of war so that people can keep track of how many hits you are losing. Very useful to find out who is leaking (being milked by oppo for plunder).
  2. Hmmm this might be a really stupid question.....and I think I already know the answer but is it possible to view gifts from a really long time ago not just the ones in ur "recent gifts"
  3. Nope cookie, you can only see the 50 or so that appears in your recent gifts.

    A war stamp is when a player posts on your wall your losses for fight and dance before or during a war, this is to help identify who is being hit and leaking so the other side can catch up, and to stop this players from your side will most often kick you from the club to slow down the other club.
  4. Awww  that's what I thought but figured Id check
  5. So if u get permanently silenced and u want a new account but on the same device. How do u do that?
  6. You can reset which will give you a partially new account (you still keep awards, friends, gifts, etc-and people whom you have gifted or walled will still be able to find you), but that will not remove any silences. Unless you get a new device, you cannot create a new profile on the same device-it's against ToU and can get you banned from the game.

    You can appeal your silence by e-mailing include your username, game you play (PIMD), and your issue.
  7. After i transfer, is there anyway i can remove my acc from the previous device without resetting?
  8. Do not reset, it will reset your account on your new device, you'd need to email and request that your account is removed from your old device.
  9. Ok, thank you
  10. what volley means and farm ? Im sorry im a quite new here .. :)
  11. Volley is when 2 or more players hire a tutor back and forth.

    Farm is when you hit a player 5 or more times in a 24hour period
  12. The word farm can be used as a noun or a verb in pimd,each use has a similar yet different meaning

    Farm(noun)~An inactive/active player that you repeatedly hit for money

    Farm(verb)~Look above
  13. What are Perm Items used for in the store. To help TB or Stats. Ill try to remember to look back here. Thank you. :)
  14. Perm items in the store help raise your overall stats.

    Tb is tutor bonus. This is the amount of money you have in tutors, commonly referred to as tuts. When you reach max tb, you reach the most amount of plunder that you can make from hitting another player. Depending on the players stats, you will earn either more or less money from hitting and winning against the player.
  15. Perm items also help when you're warring, farming and I think partying. Although you don't see them in action, they act invisibly to help you land a hit and let you succeed more often.
  16. What's the best way of recruiting? I was handed down a club because the owner was quitting PIMD and I only have 4 members. Every time I try to recruit, it doesn't work. I need major help. What is the best thing to say?
  17. The most effective way is to watch campus and post on people's walls when they say "looking for a club to join" or something along those lines. Try making your post pretty to grab attention.
  18. I just need clarification. Is the VIP List (Overall) ranked according to stats, tb, hire value and fights won? And is the ranking of a person in a club only based on stats and tb?

    It's because i've seen people ranked in the top 5 of the VIP List but are only 2nd or 3rd or 4th in the ranking of a club (under someone who is below them in the VIP List).

    Please correct me if i'm wrong. Thanks. :)
  19. VIP list rank is determined by everything, what you listed plus dances, pranks and ed's all count, everything counts.

    And yes club rank is stats tb