Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Farming is when you fight/dance someone 5 or more times in 24 hours. It is quite fun to do and you should try it.
  2. The best place to find people to farm is on the battle list under "People" (a button on the home page)
  3. Oh i see thanks a bunch twice
  4. If you change your name, and the name gets cleared because the mods deem it inappropriate, do you:

    1. Get silenced?
    2. Have the option to change it without using another 20ec?
  5. A mod can't clear it, they email support, which then they will clear it. If they find it is breaking the ToU they may silence for it, depending how bad it is. You do not need to use 20 ec to change name if pimd changes it, you simply send a in-game feedback of the new name you want, and they so change it to that when they get to it.
  6. One more thing, my friend said this when farming: 2 regen then 1 full hit regen. What does it mean?
  7. If your a party merc and u help this party but leave can u still get the extra money and prizes that come with finishing it? Or do u not get anything because you left?
    Please help me.
  8. When dropped by your pupil, I was told your hire value drops a certain rate after a set time period. Can you tell me the rate and the time before each price decrease.
  9. Just curious do you know if any new avatars coming out? I'm getting bored of mine 
  10. No idea when or if new avatars are coming out.

    When you are dropped, your hire price drops by 20%, and every 3 days with out a pupil, it drops a further 20%
  11. If you leave a party before it finished, you do not get anything.

    Farming 2 regain 1 is a farming method. When you are farming some one using dance, you hit them two times, then you regain once(you regain once every 5 minutes), and then you hit then once more, and regain, after this you'll be at full energy again. This method is the best method to make money if you are using dance.
  12. how you log into FORUMS (not the game itsself) On a computer?
    Which login info is used?
    Thanks in advance :)
  13. You can't log in to forums from a computer unless you are a mod or a developer. You also cannot reply to any threads or edit/modify messages; only view them.
  14. Ok I got ahold of the people to review your silence and umm they havent got back with me and it's been two months what do I do plz help
  15. Try emailing support again. Also when you email them, you should receive an automated email to which you must reply to. You might not have done that. Their email is
  16. [​IMG]
    Just checking picture size. Sorry.
  17. I dont mean to be rude but this is a thread where you post questions not a thread for testing bbcodes.
  18. on the other hand,awesome pic
  19. What are war stamps? I've seen them before,but don't know their use.