Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. If I purchase a new phone, how can I retrieve my PIMD game without loosing everything and having to start over?
  2. I just wanna ask if having tutors will increase the cash when hitting in parties.
  3. You can email and tell them about your situation. Also you can make an ATA account and when you get your new phone use that to login. Or you could connect via Facebook.
  4. I thinking having tutors does increase your plunder on parties, but im not 100% sure
  5. Do this to set up your account:



  6. Ive recently been silenced and dont no why how do i find out so to not to do it again?
  7. Even small kcs havin tutors will up their plunder on parties? Sorry. Im havin a lil arguement. Someone told me tutors are useless for small kcs. Thankyou for replying.
  8. Tutors only help plunder increase on pro parties, the normal parties don't have any effect as far as I've seen, mind you I don't do an awful lot of easy parties. And, tb doesn't increase plunder in parties much any way.
  9. Y iam silenced.....
  10. You were silence for breaching the ToU,you should have received a message from pimd explaining the silence
  11. Because you broke the ToU or RoC, you would've received 6 private messages from pimd one of those including the reason for your silence. You can email to appeal your silence, if it's your first, just wait 24 hours and it will ware off.
  12. What is an efficient way to use dn?
  13. Well first, make sure you are at 0% energy, why waste a dn if you still have some energy? Also, make sure you look at your regain time, don't use a doctor note just before your regain! If you have 1-3 minutes before you energy regains a little bit, may as well wait for the regain time, use that bit of energy, and then use a doctor note.

    As for how to make the most money out of unloading using your doctor notes, unload half your energy doing dance/rave, and your second half of your energy doing fight/snark, this is the best way to maximise your plunder in a single unload.
  14. Can we make another account in computer??
    So i dont need to fight with other ppl to hire tut
  15. You can only have one account per device, more than that if caught will get you banned, using computer accounts is not allowed as there is no official website to play pimd online like kaw had an online version, therefore using a computer to play pimd using emulators or simulators is not permitted, and again, of caught you will get banned. To play KaW online, you can go to
  16. Had to reset, i can still look up my old account but how do i sign in
  17. Go to settings and then click accounts, there'd should be 2 options there
  18. I have a question.. I'm trying to post a forum but it keeps cutting off half of my post is my app messing around or has some update gone on where you can't post more than a certain amount of words..