Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Because the thread says

    you may post questions here buy they must be RELATED to aspects of PIMD and NOTHING ELSE.

  2. Im still new, what's speaker? I cant post on campus. What's tuts n volley? Can u explain them?
  3. Speakers enable you to post messages on campus. In order to obtain speakers you can exchange extra credits for speakers in the store (scroll right down to the bottom of the store). To get extra credits, you can buy them using real money from the nurse, or by doing any job, jobs have a 2% chance of dropping extra credits.

    You can also get free speakers from pimd once a day once you've opened 6 dorms.

    Tutors are other players that you have hired.

    Volley'ing is when two or more players hire back and fourth a tutor in quick concession.
  4. Zach do you have a book about pimd. Lol
  5. Zach has everything
  6.  Nope, it's all in my head lol, I don't have many notes written down, only the more complex things that aren't talked about much that I may forget.
  7. Most asked questions are Speakers,kcs,and how to play?
  8. Can I move my account to different mobile device?
  9. Yes,just link your account with facebook/ATA by clicking the big S in the top left hand corner of the homescreen.

    Then go to the device you wish to transfer it to,click the S on the top left hand side,log in to either Facebook/ATA then select which account to keep.
  10. How do you get a title(under your club on your profile) and can you do it if your an admin.
    How can you start a party and how
  11. Only a owner or admin can title you, and only the owner can title a admin or him/herself.
  12. Parties require you to be a admin or owner of the club, from the club page on the button left there is a party tab, click this select the party that your club has unlocked and start the party.
  13. Can u lose money in a war? If so, how?
  14. By losing dance-offs/fights.
  15. Can you unsilence me
  16. If you want to appeal a silence you need to email with your username, game, why you got silenced and why it should be lifted.
  17. No,we cannot. If it is your first or second silence you only need to wait for 24 hours and you will be unsilenced,however,if it is your third silence,it is a permanent silnce and only the devs can unsilence you if it is a permanent silence(the third silence). You can appeal to A Thinking Ape for them to shorten your silence, email them at include your username,the game you play(PIMD),why you were silenced,and why you deserve an unsilence.

    I recommend using correct grammar and sentence structure together with correct spelling,make it formal and business-like,cursing or "raging" about an unfair silence will only make it worse. Spamming them with multiple emails will lengthen your silence.

    Good luck?
  18. Any other ways i already tryed the first one