Zurmonium this a thread for questions about PimD not for you to say hi post my wall to say if you would like but not here :/
How to get Speakers? You can get speakers by 2 different ways: 1) If you have the 90 day achievement then you will get speaker regen which is 2 speakers every 24 hours. The max it can regen upto is 3 speakers. 2) You can get speakers by trading them for extra credits via store. For every 1 extra credit you get 1 speaker. How to get extra credits? There are 2 ways to get extra credits. 1) Do jobs. Jobs give a 2% chance if getting an extra credit. 2) Buy extra credits using real money. This is called In-App Purchases (IAP). You can find this by going to the store then pressing intge nurse.
Tier 4/$600,000,000 Crew Members You unlock these Crew Members once you have 18 dorms. Level 1 - $600,000,000 Football Varsity Stength-145,800 Intelligence-24,300 Strength bonus to pupil-2,916 Intelligence bonus to pupil-486 Faternity President Stength-121,500 Intelligence-48,600 Strength bonus to pupil-2,430 Intelligence bonus to pupil-972 Junior CEO Stength-97,200 Intelligence-72,900 Strength bonus to pupil-1,944 Intelligence bonus to pupil-1,458 Sorority President Stength-72,900 Intelligence-97,200 Strength bonus to pupil-1,458 Intelligence bonus to pupil-1,944 Political Activist Stength-48,600 Intelligence-121,500 Strength bonus to pupil-972 Intelligence bonus to pupil-2,430 Math Genius Stength-24,300 Intelligence-145,800 Strength bonus to pupil-486 Intelligence bonus to pupil-2,916 Level 2 - $850,000,000 Football Varsity Stength-218,700 Intelligence-36,500 Strength bonus to pupil-4,374 Intelligence bonus to pupil-730 Faternity President Stength-182,300 Intelligence-72,900 Strength bonus to pupil-3,646 Intelligence bonus to pupil-1,458 Junior CEO Stength-145,800 Intelligence-109,400 Strength bonus to pupil-2,916 Intelligence bonus to pupil-2,188 Sorority President Stength-109,400 Intelligence-145,800 Strength bonus to pupil-2,188 Intelligence bonus to pupil-2,916 Political Activist Stength-72,900 Intelligence-182,300 Strength bonus to pupil-1,458 Intelligence bonus to pupil-3,646 Math Genius Stength-36,500 Intelligence-218,700 Strength bonus to pupil-730 Intelligence bonus to pupil-4,374 Level 3 - $1,050,000,000 Football Varsity Stength-328,000 Intelligence-54,700 Strength bonus to pupil-6,560 Intelligence bonus to pupil-1,094 Faternity President Stength-273,400 Intelligence-109,300 Strength bonus to pupil-5,468 Intelligence bonus to pupil-2,186 Junior CEO Stength-218,700 Intelligence-164,000 Strength bonus to pupil-4,374 Intelligence bonus to pupil-3,280 Sorority President Stength-164,000 Intelligence-218,700 Strength bonus to pupil-3,280 Intelligence bonus to pupil-4,274 Political Activist Stength-109,300 Intelligence-273,400 Strength bonus to pupil-2,186 Intelligence bonus to pupil-5,468 Math Genius Stength-54,700 Intelligence-328,000 Strength bonus to pupil-1,094 Intelligence bonus to pupil-6,560 Level 4 - $1,200,000,000 Football Varsity Stength-492,000 Intelligence-79,100 Strength bonus to pupil-9,840 Intelligence bonus to pupil1,582 Faternity President Stength-410,100 Intelligence-164,000 Strength bonus to pupil-8,202 Intelligence bonus to pupil-3,280 Junior CEO Stength-328,100 Intelligence-246,000 Strength bonus to pupil-6,562 Intelligence bonus to pupil-4,920 Sorority President Stength-246,000 Intelligence-328,100 Strength bonus to pupil-4,920 Intelligence bonus to pupil-6,562 Political Activist Stength-164,000 Intelligence-410,100 Strength bonus to pupil-3,280 Intelligence bonus to pupil-8,202 Math Genius Stength-79,100 Intelligence-492,000 Strength bonus to pupil-1,582 Intelligence bonus to pupil-9,840