Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. I would like to know how to play and what are the best people to put in dorms. I'm new so please help thanks Xx :)
  2. Do inactive accounts get deleted after a while? I used to have this game on another device about 2 years(ish) ago but I can't find my old character. :/
  3. Dre, have a read through the guides, they are helpful and get you on the right track.

    Yes, ata hold the right to delete your acc if its been inactive for 6 or more months.
  4. How do you start a forum?
  5. Go to forums>choose a section>top right corner "new"
  6. What is tutor trade?
  7.  Some one who hires underpriced tutors that they hope will sell off so they can make profits.
  8. I new that. Was just testing this out. Thanks 
  9. Thanks for the help. Wat r the different terms in PIMD? Thanks so much I'm confuse like wats LCBC? Sorry I'm new...thanks
  10. LCBC:Land complete, building complete. When u unlocked all dorms, and have t5 all lvl 4 upgraded.. I think 
  11. Forums>other pimd discussions>abc's of pimd by zeus, that has all of, if not most of pimd terms
  12.  Ryan is still alive 
  13. Yes I don't plan to get on much though until Wayne decides to go inactive I am extremely busy.
  14. ryan and wayne have something against each other?
  15. What does kcs mean?
  16. kcs

    Kcs means your combines stats

    For example 25kcs means 25,000k combined stats

    You can check your kcs by going to your profile

    Finding strength and intelligence,under your pupil's name,and adding them together,that is your kcs