Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Hi.. I got a question,
    How misc bonus and misc % bonus help?
    Say my stat is 50/50kcs n my TB is 50/50kcs and my misc bonus is 50/50kcs and my misc % bonus is 25/25%

    What is my actual stat now?? and how it would be calculated??
  2. Misc and tb only activates when hitting some one or being hit.

    I've been running tests on misc bonus, I don't yet have a full working out, so I will not comment on it yet.
  3. "Don't touch my tuts"

    Why do people say this?
  4. They say it because they don't want their tutors to be hired away.
  5. Ok i recently recieved my 70days active reward as it flashed on the front of my screen but looking at my awards it has not been added to them and still says i only have my 7days activity award why is that? Xx
  6. Award for activity is 1,3,7,90,120 days
  7. What is the point in the gifts you accept like the food is there anyway to use them.
  8. Only the crab, and scavenger items can be sent to other players if you've received them from others. Other wise gifts can not be re-sent. The tank and shutter shades are the only gifts that help you as a player by giving a misc bonus. Other wise gifts don't really do anything.
  9. If i reset and leave will i have to start my jobs and everything all over?
  10. Will i keep my friends???
  11. Yes, your friends list, wall posts, unused extra credits and doctor notes, awards, is what you keep.
  12. How do I get the diamonds without having to pay for them?? 
  13. They are called extra credits (EC), they can be found doing jobs with a 2% drop rate. Other wise buying from the nurse is the only way.
  14. How do you make your words into colors?
    How do you post a picture?
  15. Picture: With the help of a third party application and an IMG BB code.

     [color=red]Text here[/color] 
  16. Should I go mostly intell or strength?

    I was thinking strength because alot of lb players are full strength


    I was think intell because dance off makes more money then attacking