Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Question why do u get silenced all I said was I'm looking for a gay Guy atleast 19 or 20
  2. You said an age you can not solicit personal information on this application. I recommend you read the Terms of Use under the help button on the second page of the PIMD home screen.
  3. When farming, How do you know when you will be able to hit someone?
  4. Genially you can hit some one who is 4 times bigger it smaller than your stats. (When in a system war there is no limit to how big or small you can hit) Sometimes players will be defender too weak all tho they are within your attacking range, in this case they have no energy or very low energy, and you must wait for them to regain.

  5. My int is 100k, so that would mean that I can hit some1 who is 400k int. But I can't even hit this one farm that is 270k int. How is that possible?
  6. *generally ...poor zach. Don't worry bro I'm tired too.
  7. Warrior 58 hours no sleep atm I'm still going.

    As I said the defamer may come up as "defender too weak" which means it doesn't have enough energy for any one to hit it. Once your energy drops below 20% or so no one can hit you.

  8. How do I post a new thread
  9. Forums>choose what section you wish to post your thread on>top right hand corner it will say something like "new", I can't remember off the top of my head 
  10. ^ Blue button top right corner, says 'New Post'. ;)
  11. What does volley mean ?
  12. Hiring the same person back and fourth between 2 or more players.

  13. I have been doing a lit of party's , why can't I get s items , just get money , am using I pod .
  14. Items drop at the end of the party at random, you will not get one every single party.
  15. If you complete both hunts and you collect all 16 pieces again, would you be able to send the extra completed party animal or film snob to someone?
  16. Can someone wall me what the show case items do? ie: I have a charlie the unicorn thing, it says it costs like 1 bil so does it add to my $ bonus like a tutor would? As in does it equal to me having a 1 bil tutor so when I hit a player/party it gives me a cash bonus? People tell me the rings do something like this but I'm not entirely sure what to believe as they want my scavenger hunt items.
  17. What does dv mean? Also can you share money on here wıth other players?
  18. Dv= drop volley
    Drop volley= b2b volleys to your maximum amount where the keeper drops the tutors.

    Volleying is the only way to transfer money to some one else.

  19. When checking to see who win party's it freezes snd log me out each time