Well, I know how many percent of my energy is exhausted when I do dance, fight and prank, I just wanted to know, what will the receiver lose (percentage) with they incur? If I prank you, how many of YOUR energy will be exhausted
It isn't always the same, you drain more energy of theirs if you succeed than you would if you lost. Also depends on the size difference, the bigger you are over the target, the more energy you will drain from them, however, if they are bigger, or close to same size as you, the amount of energy they lose wont be a great deal. There is no fix percentage, there are so many different factors that can vary the outcome.
Ah, yeah I understand that I can lose more energy than usual by hitting someone that is really higher, but I was just wondering how fight can exhast more energy than dance when I hit,
Fight drains 5% of your energy per hit and dance 6%, these % effect only if you win easily. However, as you struggle to hit bigger players, you will lose a higher percentage of energy in fight compared to trying to dance, again, this percentage depends on the size difference between you and your target.
When you attack or get attacked, it add's a bonus to your stats to help you beat/defend better than your target/attacker. This bonus automatically kicks in when hitting or being hit.
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