Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. what does kcs mean?
  2. never mind found the previous post that answered it
  3. What do gifts do?
  4. Some gifts go in your showcase such as charlies (unicorns); others give u stat bonuses (tanks, shades) and others are just to gift for fun
  5. What is percentage bonus from awards
  6. 0% at the moment
  7. What stats are needed to complete higher level jobs?
  8. There is no certain stats, higher you are easier they become. Even lower stats can complete the harder jobs, just takes luck.

  9. OK Thanks
  10. Okay so I have a question about parties. I know if you leave the party and have to re-enter it, you lose credit for all of the hits you put into it before leaving, but my clubmates and I have noticed we are losing money towards our end reward when he have not left the party but we have gone into any of the three chats or messages. Can someone explain to me why we are losing money?
  11. Why leave in the middle of the party 

    I believe that the amount of money you get at the end of a party is proportional to both your contribution and the clubs total cash earned in the party and the damage done. The total cash earned in the party would be lower if there were leavers and the total damage done would be lesser too. There is no reason to leave in the middle of the party, though.
  12. Yes, usually not unless I've got to let someone in to the club help with the party..we stay in party but with the iPhone app, you can go into the club chat, tut and world chat without going out of the party, same for messages, and the party looks to be staying in the background- but sometimes i dont do any of those things and the amount I receive is different than that listed for my winnings in the party history..
  13. is there such thing as something called lg where it costs 600mill and can upgrade the clubs stats?
  14. Ig? A club can't get better stats itself, what makes a club stronger is the players in it, a club can not ug.

  15. You don't get 100% of the money you's like war, when you win you don't get the amount that said that you won.

  16. I have a question about parties,when its over and everyone gets money and items, why do some people who did less then others, get more money??
  17. Is there wars that aren't based on the system? Random attack and stealing?
  18. Less actions? It's because the bigger you are the more money you get per action, smaller you are the less.

    There are 3 main types of wars:
    •System war
    •pwar(plunder war)
    •strip farm war

    The one your probably asking for is strip farm wars. Pretty much you hire all of some ones tutors and farm them till they have no money left. Normally clubs will farm each other over childish things like tutors.

    I recommend you stay away from strip farm wars, and just farm inactives, do parties and the other two style of wars.

  19. What's The name of The 5bil job and the 20 bil job? Someone wall them to me since im gonna forget where my post is at
  20. 20b job plank power, 5b job the play's the thing
