@Jairus A tutor is another user who you hire to provide you with a stat bonus as well as a plunder bonus when fighting and dancing. The stat bonus is based off their stats and is added onto your base stats (not your profile stats) everytime you fight or dance-off. A pupil is the owner of a tutor. @Roselynn That information is not known at this time, but keep checking forums as the devs will probably post a thread letting you that parties are now available for android. @bravelove I assume club trophy will be awards earned by the club as a whole, but because they are not possible to obtain yet, we cannot be positive as to how they will be obtained or whether they will provide a stat bonus. @ikudgy It is not generally a good thing when your tutor drops you, but it is not necessarily a bad thing either because your hire price decreases which increases your chance of being hired by someone else.
Only mods and developers can delete, move, and/or lock forums. If it's from a while ago, I'm sure it won't get bumped again, so you're fine.
I'm not a mod. The mods are: J31 DarkRose1908 Cookie0024 Mindy Spiny RONNY43 -Zeuss- OliviaAnna You seriously don't need a thread locked if it isn't coming up again, though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you reset, you lose the following: ~unspent Extra Credits ~permanent items ~gifts sent to you purchased with Extra Credits ~Speaker items ~awards ~Doctor's Notes If you are silenced or were silenced, it will NOT get rid of them.
@pig email the devs at support@athinkingape.com, Don't forget to show them the ss, also don't forget to put: Game: Party I'n my dorm Username: Or you can report them on pal
You're obviously not banned, so I'll assume you're talking about a permanent silence. You can email support at support@athinkingape.com and see what they say. They usually make you wait a month or two until your silence is lifted.
A moderator is basically serves as the police of the pimd community. They can silence users for violating the Terms of Use as well as clear their statuses. On forums, they have the ability to lock, move, and delete threads as well as the ability to delete individual posts. You can find a moderator because they have a green name on Campus Chat and on forums. They also have a unique Resident Advisor achievement. -Zeuss- DarkRose1908 Mindy Spiny Cookie0024 OliviaAnna J31 RONNY43 my-dorm-name