Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. You mean Extra Credits? The only way to get them without paying is to do jobs on the homepage. There is a 2% chance you will get one.
  2. Yeah that's what I meant I forgot what they were called. Awesome thanks
  3. First do you mean extra credits, and you you can get them by doing jobs , lol thought you ment the ring
  4. Best option is to buy them ,
  5. @L3ON He didn't want to be a mod anymore for personal reasons...
  6. L3on : he retired and now he's less active in pimd 
  7. Guys, one answer's enough, unless you have more information to give. Don't state the same thing.
  8. Hey what's farming
  9. Hitting some one more the 5 times in 24h.
  10. How do you become a mod?
  11. Sigh...if you do not know the answer to this question nor are willing to take the time to look for it when it is all over forums, then you are not ready to be a moderator. I recommend you play the game a for a while and try to learn the rules as well as the game mechanics before you apply. You apply by emailing For more information on this topic click here.
  12. How do you unfollow a person?
  13. How do I earn credits fast?
  14. To unfollow a person, go to this specific person's profile, scroll all the way down, and there will be a blue button titled "Unfollow."

    To earn Extra Credits, you can either pay real money for them at the PIMD Store, or there is a 2% chance to get one while doing jobs. If you're looking to get a lot of Extra Credits, paying is the more efficient way.
  15. Whats Tutor? and what can i get from him? And pupil what are those
  16. Just downloaded pimd for android. When will parties be available for droid users?
  17. What are club trophies
  18. Is it a good thing when your tutor Drops u?