Okay. I had an account here like a year ago and joined a clan and all that. Weeks later I deleted this app and I thought my account. Now I come on, they ask me to make a name and restart me from zero, but all my old wall posts and news from my old account (3u10). Is my account supposed to be deleted or is this a fluke? Same device btw.
@risaoh hmmm when you delete pimd it's supposed to keep your acc maybe back then it wasn't like that I'm not sure
@jack jobs are your bestfriend they'll give you 20bil (the last job) also a few jobs before that one you get 5bil, so I recommend you to do jobs, most players do jobs until they finish them like me
You can get speakers in the Store, located on the homepage. Depending on your stats, you can gain 5 speakers per day. Each speaker costs one Extra Credit. You can attain Extra Credits by: 1. Doing jobs. There is a 2% chance that you will get one. 2. Buying the with real money.
You can buy speakers using extra credits from the Store. You have a 2% chance of receiving an extra credit each time you do a job. You can also purchase extra credits via In App Purchases from the nurse. You also regen 5 speakers a day until you have 25.
Can i delete this account and start a new one?? i reset it but didnt do anything deleted the app and dounloaded it again still nothing help me??
If you cannot do simple research to figure out how yourself, then you are not ready yet to apply for the role of moderator. The answer to this question is all over forums and there is even a whole guide on it under Other PimD Discussion. You have to apply to be mod by emailing support@athinkingape.com, but as I stated you are not ready because you have to be able question like this yourself.
There is no way to delete an account; you can only reset. You can find what you keep and what you lose when you reset in the "Help" section on the homepage.
So I can't even advertise on this I didn't know why I got silenced all I did was put my new mix on WC