There is no way to transfer monies or extra credits on this game. To apply for mod, you send your application to: You can find the information to be included elsewhere in forums. I believeGuide to becoming a modby mindy
*mod You have to apply to be mod by emailing, but part of being a moderator is being able to answer questions like this or knowing where to find the answer. For more information on the moderator position see OliviaAnna's Guide (click here).
I dont know if I did this right earlier, so of I did sorry. My game is Glitching and it won't let me do anything but work! When I try to speak to my friends or check the new the exact same main screen pops up! Can I fix this without deleting my game?
@joer Close the app press the home button twice then tap and hold on pimd then tap the - (minus button) and then press home button 2 times again and then try opening pimd again that's should work. I get the same problem and that's what I do to fix it
@thekingof2013 It depends on the lag of the system. It can take from 1-4 hours not sure on exact times.
@warrior well it's been taking about 1 day also, I make 9.9mil a hit on my farms and I got about 9 tuts from 170-300mil and I still get the same amount of money wtf
Well, it updates at like 3-4am EST so it may seem like a whole day. That is because you are at max plunder.
This may be a stupid question but, what exactly do you do in a war? Do you farm them? Is it okay to farm? And what do you do in the different types of wars? Like a friendly war for example.
It's all the same except friendly wars usually do not have trash talk. Yes, you do farm and you are allowed to.
1.) If it becomes an obvious annoyance it may be considered spam by a moderator. Last summer LCBCs who got silenced would use that as a method of talking, but I'm not positive. Just don't do and you are safe. 2.) Depends on the lag of the system and the quality and strength of your internet connection.