I love Y'all, especially Sher. But I admin a top 20 club. I have rules about not being the highest stats in a home club too. Upgrade faster Riven
Oooo we have Todd's main? Even better. Riven pwease donut target us again for keeping Todd's main away from you ty
I’m so happy to be a part of the family. Seriously you guys all make my days sweeter. Even when mr lactose intolerant farts on the phone in his sleep ? I love how tight knit everyone is and always being able to hop on group call.
This sorta made my day today. ?I've been feeling left out af but I don't really care cause I love y'all.
Amee, your well-placed "o"s make me cackle. Your face is like touching rose petals for the first time. You are soft and sweet like cookie dough and I am not worried about you giving me salmonella.
I never thought I’d find another club that would give me good memories again. It’s been awhile. TGJ is probably second in line to be one of my favorite clubs to be apart of. I don’t really care what other people gotta say about it. Even if that means hating on us more a more. Either with us or against us. Gotta enjoy the ride while it lasts kiddos. ??