
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. ah ok just wanted to make sure
  2. What’s wrong with Mexican food : (
  3. This. Feminism is a movement that promotes peace, not hate towards men or historical revenge. We shall not go from opressed to opressors.

    And about what things are some feminists concerned, well, Idk what is north American feminism mostly focused on, but I think not only the big matters need attention (which they urgently do), but the small, too. Micro-machismo, symbolic violence, etc. do need its place in the agenda, WITHOUT neglecting the big urgent issues, such as gender violence, feminicide, etc.
  4. The correct answer is "nothing"
  5. What is feminicide?
  6. ^ ye. I just personally donut ever feel cravings for it. Aside from taco bell (which i don't think counts) there isn't a lot of mexican food for me to have sampled in my area so i'm not used to it
  7. That is such a shame. I'll pray to the spanish food gods for you
  8. Murder of females just because they are female

    Basically the motivation is the killer's misogyny
  9. Where are you I will come to your house and cook you authentic Mexican food.
  10. @maddi you're gonna come to the canadian prairies? Yus pls
  11. As soon as I can afford a plane ticket I 100% will
  12. Yay much huzzah
  13. Well, am not a scholar. So, it's hard for me to put it in a scholarly way. But, i'll try with my way of an oversimplified metaphor..

    Suppose, you have a block of ice. You started heating it. And you claim, you belive that it will melt into liquid water, but you don't support the idea that the liqiud water will then change into vapour. Does that mean water vapour is liquid water lite? Ofcourse not. They are two completely different states of matter.

    Now, you can argue that no, socialism will never lead to communism. That, communism is an utopian concept. Not practical n such. But, that is after we can finally agree upon what our disagreement is about 
  14. I made this bomb ass Red Cabbage Slaw last week. Red cabbage, mayo, sliced red apple, beetroot vinegar, pine nuts, and currants <3