
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. I don’t think that’s what they’re saying
  2. That's what they said tho. And when i clarified human rights meant ppl in dire poverty and abuse they said they didn't see the point.
  3. I see a point in helping people from horrendous situations like those, but if someone asked me to choose between saving them or the world—I’d choose the latter. Either way, every one of us in a dangerous situation because of Earth’s current state.

    The end of the world doesn’t choose its victims. It takes all of humankind.
  4. I saw that Maddi ?
  5. They responded so my thing felt pointless
  7. Yes I get it Wednesday you were right I was wrong
  8. Sorry lmao i'm in a petty mood. I shall stahp
  9. Lol it’s cool
  10. yes, there is. because of the cold war w/ russia, a lot of people view communism (and by extention, socialism) as the enemy, since the cold war was essentially a power struggle between russia and the u.s. the cold war lasted like 30 years and became sort of a "communism vs capitalism" thing. in school, we are taught that Stalinism is what communism is even though Stalin warped it very much. so people think you're supporting genocidal freaks when you say you're a communist, and a lot of people think socialism is Communism Lite and just blanket them as the same thing. we aren't really taught any of the actual theory behind it really
  11. Probably mass media. I also noticed Communism is a bad word there. While left politics such as socialism, Communism, workers parties, etc.tend to be well seen in Latin America. It's almost the opposite, just not as extreme as it's in the USA. Here capitalism is the bad word, sort of. Because being a self declared capitalist doesn't generate such overreactions as being socialist in the USA.


    I consider myself middle-left, politically wise, and liberal in ideas, but not completely liberal in economics, as that would be capitalism.
    Capitalism, aligned with meritocracy, ignore the fact that not everyone starts from the same point, not everyone truly has the same opportunities. Basically, believing that "everyone has the same opportunities" in a free market economy and in a meritocracy is a fallacy.
    That's where the state has to participate in balancing things to make the $$ distribution more fair. This doesn't mean to support/give welfare to lazy people who just doesn't want to work. This means to truly help to balance things better, provide more job opportunities, EDUCATE to change minds...
    It's innocent or blind to think that poor people is poor because they want to. It might be some cases when it's true, but it's unfair to generalize, especially forgetting that they did not have the chances to access to the same environment, top school, attention, nutrition, etc.in early age as rich people children did. To not even mention health issues that condition people further, even if they make effort.
  12. I hate conservatives ? I also hate how people automatically think POC
  13. Automatically think what about poc? Or do u just not like the term
  14. Ty for the response @quimey. I like that you have a non-american and non-canadian opinion, it's a new perspective
  15. Talking about politics on a thread in Forums is a waste of time.

    Read a book (a good one though), or debate your neighbors.
  16. Also, as someone with historical training with an over-emphasis on Russian and Soviet history, Stalinism was an inevitable result of Marxism-Leninism as implemented in the Soviet Union after the fall of the Provisional Government.

    Not talking about Communism’s pros and cons. Not defending Capitalism. Simply stating an historical fact.

    If you disagree, fine. However, you are wrong.
  17. Heaven forbid anyone be curious about what other people think. This was never intended to be a debate
  18. Read carefully. I never claimed that you intended to start a debate. Whether you are curious or not, it is still a waste of time to discuss political opinions here.
  19. that's an opinion and a stupid one at that. How ppl spend their time has nothing to do w you
  20. Once again, read carefully. I never claimed to be giving anything other than my opinion. However, my opinion is correct. (When you resort to calling your opponent’s position “stupid,” you have lost.) and how people spend their time on a public forum has everything to do with me. Actually, how people spend their time at any moment has everything to do with me insofar as it relates to society’s productivity and advancement.