Pokeymon: Gotta Collect All of Em

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. And we've got our final winner!

    I'll send your PIMDCrate shortly.

  2. Dangit. I was close 
  3. Yash's post is they won, but my post is "you won" 
  4. The last one looks like a dik
  5. Yaaayyyy 
  6. But even misty on page 31 did the same thing
  7. Yash posted first though
  8. But it wasn't on his account'/profile.
  9. But check page 31 misty won it that day
  10. That's because they made a mistake.
  11. Honestly that last Pokemon looks like a brown probably an Indian one
  12. Like a banana??
  13. Mistake?? So? It's not fair though. Keep ur pimd crate @grant. Don't want it
  14. Where is it's mustache
  15. New pokemon back get on my showcase ..don't know to send ss here
  16. How do you post as loool
  17. how can i get this pokeymon for my collection
  18. I have them all , but I never knew how to post a picture
  19. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252