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Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 25, 2016.
And we've got our final winner! I'll send your PIMDCrate shortly.
Dangit. I was close
Yash's post is they won, but my post is "you won"
The last one looks like a dik
But even misty on page 31 did the same thing
Yash posted first though
But it wasn't on his account'/profile.
But check page 31 misty won it that day
That's because they made a mistake.
Honestly that last Pokemon looks like a brown probably an Indian one
Like a banana??
Mistake?? So? It's not fair though. Keep ur pimd crate @grant. Don't want it
Where is it's mustache
New pokemon back get on my showcase ..don't know to send ss here
How do you post as loool
how can i get this pokeymon for my collection
I have them all , but I never knew how to post a picture
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