POKEMON FANS I need your help please read

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), May 12, 2012.

  1. more like shittoh region...
  2. Idk sinnoh region. I'm only going as far as hoenn lol and johto remade
  3. as far as i know , u know those thingy called EV points which made ur stat higher , which u cant get if u use exp share?  js , if im wrong blame it on gamefaq*.com  oh wait will i get silenced? 
  4. Yeah, my shiny metagross with 400 something attack was beast... But I forgot which game it's on

    I'd trade it to someone if I could find my dsi
  6. my metagross's sp attack is around 400 if im not mistaken  my baby 
  7. My Crobat is awesome. I believe it has the best moves. But thats my opinion .-.
  8. idc, if I find it, i'll trade it to you sparrow.
  9. Salamence
    -Double Edge
    -Dragon Claw

    -Ice Beam

    -Ice Beam
    -Hydro Pump
    -Double Edge

    -Shadow Ball

    -Rock Slide
    -Brick Break
    -Counter/Reversal (Which is better?)

    Which is better for heracross, counter or reversal

    And are my moves and team good?
  10. I was beginning to worry I was gonna have to answer your question till Chloe came along.
  11. I don't feel like reading through a billion posts here but if it hasn't been answered:
    If you're thinking competitively, www.smogon.com is a wonderful website with a lot of people who play competitively and on different tiers.

    Search Salamence on that website and use his R/S moveset. If you need help I can tell you how to find IVs for hidden power, how to EV train, give you pointers about the different natures, and explain STAB moves.
    If you don't care about all that (I'm a beginner at all this) then just go with one of the movesets that best benefits your pokemon's existing nature and how the rest of your team covers defenses :3

    I can also help you breed a specific Salamence with proper nature. However bc you're using Emerald I can't send you anything on WiFi. So. Let me know when you're upgrading to D/P/Pt or B/W 
  13. True dat sparrow here's a question for all of you is it possible to get all the forms of arceus or are there forms that never came to be discus and I'll return to reveal the answer later
  14. I don't know what Gen V pokemon are. I'm a Gen II/IV noob 
  15. Oh for nooooooobs pokemon noooooobs get with the time
  16. Gen 5 is lame

    Well the pokemon are at least. Theres no creativity