POKEMON FANS I need your help please read

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), May 12, 2012.

  1. Bulbapedia is the best site for information 
  2. Bulbapedia
    That's the same as wiki you can't trust it because anyone can edit it I get my info from the purest source serebii
    Which by the way serebii is Japanese for celebi
  3. All of you PC pokemon has 1 hit KO moves?
  4. It totally gives awesome 100% factual info!

    I got my lapras when I was still trying to get the hang of it from there.

    Awesome. ,_,
  5. I used to love playing Pokemon, I always loved Dragon types and Steel types, I tried to make a whole team out of those two types
  6. You're dumber than I thought, Destroyer.

    I don't care, about where people get their information. If it's reliable it is. Don't you run your mouth if you have never used that site.

    All information I get from that is factual.

    That includes N Harmonia's name, which I doubt you'd know. :roll:
  7. I'm more of a water and ghost type user. ,_,

    and dragon type if it comes to it.

    But my team varies. I just love my pokémon too much.
  8. Okay, no more bickering on reliable sources.

    Whatever Chloe says about pokémon, is true. .-.

    Just leave it at that. .-.

    Because the internet never lies. .-.

    And I have experienced it first hand.

    So ha. .-.
  9. Dragon types are definitely my favourite, fire types are pretty cool too, I always choose the fire starter
  10. 
    I don't need one hit KO's because my Pokemon are the toughest there are here is my ultimate lineup
    1. Arceus lvl100
    2. Zekrom lvl100
    3. Reshiram lvl100
    4. Darkrai lvl100
    5. Palkia lvl100
    6. Shaymin lvl100
    I am the ultimate Pokemon fanatic I catch every single Pokemon and I never release any of them
  11. My starter is always the water type...

    Then I get a Fire, Flying, Dragon, (Maybe Ice), (Maybe Dark), and Electric.
  12. Mudkip influenced me.


    ('Twas gunna add a joke there but due to people not understanding, I thought against it.)

    With the exception of Charizard. Squirtle creeps me out. ._.

    so does Bulbasaur. .-.
  13. I try to get 5 pokemon high attack or high speed. Then I get a high sp attack or high defense.
  14. 
    Your highly arrogant blizzy with that whole I'm right and only I am right plus I don't care what n's name is because it's more fun when it's a mystery
    Also I have used Bulbapedia and last time I was there someone had edited it so that one pokemons info was completely ****** I mean don't get me wrong I'm not saying all the info there is wrong but I'd rather trust a site that only people who work at Nintendo on Pokemon can edit than a page anyone can edit
  15. Hitmonchan
  16. Say that reminds me anyone here use global link center in the games
  17. Gts?? Totally unreliable

    I only got a totodile for a murkrow which is lucky for me .-.

    Seeing as how I had two murkrows