POKEMON FANS I need your help please read

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), May 12, 2012.

  1. Whatever gen firered and emerald are, those are the best.
  2. Thats Gen 3

    Best Gen ever
  3. Blasphemer albeit the newest ones some of them lack creativity but the idea is that it's like a reboot of Pokemon and maybe one direction contributed to the ********* of it but still they try to make games we can enjoy so respect them or don't play them
  4. True and fair enough. Nice answer. 
  5. Ah Hoenn, after I acquired my Rayquaza, which I promptly named it Rapequaxa nothing was safe after that.

    I love the 3rd Gen.

  6. My fav was fourth gen
  7. .-. Up to gen 3, all the names had a reason. Groudon- Ground. Trecko(or something)- a tree gecko. Now just random names. ,_,
  8. Blitzle = electric horse
    Zebstrika = electric zebra
    Victini = victory
    Larvesta = larva