Poetry Thread?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sherily, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. i don’t do rhymes & whatnot for my poetry.
    because i personally believe that poetry is meant to show one’s raw & deep feelings.
    so no discrimination pls thx. :’)

    why do people make
    promises when they’re
    just empty lies and they
    eventually get broken?

    “i promise i won’t leave”
    but there you are,
    out of these loving arms
    that held onto you tightly

    “i promise i’ll always love you”
    but there you are,
    touching the heart of
    another person instead of mine

    “i promise i won’t hurt you”
    but there you are,
    blatantly breaking my heart
    slowly day by day

    promises might sound
    like music to your ears
    but never let them get to you,
    or you’ll end up hurting

    it gets difficult to block them out
    for it all sounds so believable
    but darling, people play with words
    well enough to shatter your heart
    Lavender_tea likes this.
  2. Sky could never leave the presence of the land and the clouds were just an excuse.
  3. The whole thing was very relatable and well written but this beginning is my favorite part. It is beautiful.

  4. This is a good example of how poetry doesn't need to rhyme to be lovely. :)
  5. Words are like this big illusion

    Learn to think without words again

    To set yourself free of this delusion
  6. I feel this one on such a deep level. I was worried if I posted my poems it’d be too sad so I’m glad to see others posting similar things!

  7. with a glance upon the skies-
    it is of that which i see a reflection of thine eyes-
    and it is of thought such beauty can be spoken of for days-
    art different forms of thy beauty in which id like to count the ways-
    for doeth thy resemble a sparkling rose in the light of the moon-
    enjoying the magnificent splendor as thy bloom-
    but it is to thee that such words be not just show-
    but a letter to such a remarkable queen that id like to know-
    for the sparkle in thine eyes -
    doeth resemble such a vivid galaxy in the sky-
    but its beyond the outer beauty that id like to see-
    the source of what draws such a smile interest me-
    to know what it is that brings the sparkle to thine eyes-
    to know what doeth make such a queens happiness arise-
    for it is legend told of such a beautiful queen that doeth exist-
    as what i have sought have found hoping one day to stand within your midst-
    but for the time having read this you have yet made my day worthwhile-
    hoping to have yet made Gods most beautiful angel smile-
  8. I loved you, even when you stopped loving me.

    As the honeymoon phase left
    I realize now you did too..

    Like rewatching your favorite movie for the eighty sixth time, I can recite our last encounter word for word.

    You knew the climax was over before I did,
    I was still wearing my rose colored glasses.
    Meanwhile you had already left the theater.

    End scene.
    Roll credits.

    Fück I wish I could get a refund.

    I might have made a thread for this one awhile back but I’d like to take this opportunity and post it here as well. ?
  9. Our days are numbered, yes
    We drift on with but a single guess.
    Negativity flows easier than its counterpart,
    For nobody understands that that feeling must come from the heart.
    I'm out of ideas for now anyways,
    So please stay tuned until I decide to write another day, :)
  10. @McL-ovin Very Shakespearean!

    I remember seeing this thread and I liked it a lot- especially the clever ending. :)
  11. So true, my friend.
  12. Support miss poetry thread
  13. hi so i wrote this pretty quickly the other day, its not the best. i still struggle with the idea that where i grew up doesnt have to be considered “home” like a lot of people seem to think. im personally still working on knowing that my home is within myself, and my bf since i always feel like i belong somewhere when im with him

    Home doesn’t have to be
    four walls with a floor and roof,
    surrounding and suffocating,
    making it hard to breathe.

    Home can be an embrace
    with two arms squeezing you,
    another’s chest against your ear
    where a thudding heartbeat can be heard.

    Home does not have to be
    your childhood house with sad holidays,
    a cluttered floor of toys,
    and junk drawers.

    Home can be gentle touches,
    sleepy giggles,
    hushed whispers,
    and silly inside jokes.

    Home does not have to be
    the place you grew up
    where your family lives,
    making uncomfortable conversation.

    Home can be getting better
    through cheerful chats with friends
    and late nights with your lover,
    finally finding peace.

    Home can be whatever you make it.
  14. ok ik I just posted one earlier but I wrote this real quick a few minutes ago and I like how it turned out and I’m in a really good mood and yeah

    He weaves through me,
    creating flowers
    where weeds and choking vines
    once cracked my bones.

    Now I can spot rays of sunlight,
    peaking through,
    as though stealing a glance,
    and I wonder how it got there so easily.

    But then I remember
    it’s because of him,
    because of his gentle hushes and touches,
    slowly putting me back together.

    He’s blown away the fog in my brain,
    replacing it with scattered clouds
    and a warming sun
    to kiss my skin when I wake up.

    Though sometimes
    the storm does come back,
    making my thoughts crack and bend,
    like a ship on a rough sea.

    But even when the thunder roars,
    I can turn to him with teary eyes,
    and he finds a way to anchor me,
    to mend the wounds before they scar.
  15. if anyone every reads the last poem I just posted, do you think I should show it to my bf

    I’ve never showed him any of my poetry lmao
  16. yes
  17. Crappy thing written in a few minutes for the Rosie's Rose's Competition being held in forums.


    When I first met her, she was perfect.
    All soft edges and bright colours,
    With a personality to match.
    The bright cherry red, enticed me,
    Drawing me in - alongside her honeysuckle scent.
    Better than an artificial perfume anyday.

    Then, I paused to study her a little bit more,
    Where I then realised. She was far from perfect.
    The odd soft curve, tinted brown played peekaboo from the initial layers.
    Some petals lay torn, wrinkled creased...she was perfectly imperfect.

    When I reached out, and pricked my finger on the sharp edges of her wall, I winced.
    Deep blood red, oozed from my skin - a juxtaphisition to the beauty before me.




    What that saying meant. "Beauty is in the eye of her beholder" Because I realised, it was true. I loved every part of the form before me.

    Inperfections and all,for they told a story - of a lived life.

    Only when you accept the good and the bad of someone, or something. Can you truly understand the beauty

  18. I



  19. I love this whole thing and I hope you shared it with him because I can't imagine how nice it would feel to have someone write something so lovely about the way they feel about you.
  20. What a beautiful concept! You portrayed the idea of loving someone not in spite of their flaws but including their flaws very well. :)