I distinctly remember there being a poetry thread when I first discovered the forums, but I see that it has been locked. I hope it isn't unreasonable to start a new one! This thread can extend to other short pieces of literary art as well, so feel free to post! <3 I will look through my hoard of pieces and find something I am comfortable with sharing as well.
Re: Thread? Support Not only will reduce the amount of poetry threads but will also be one place for reading most of it. Sorry I can't rhyme but I appreciate the initiative.
Re: Thread? But we need them I mean it brings forth more people to forums. I can't imagine so many people coming to forums if there was no selfie thread, it brings non forumers to forums even if they just want to post their poetry or upload a selfie.
Okay, here is one to start. The actual structure of it is a bit messy, but it is reflective of its source, I guess. Haha I plead with the abyss to swallow me up so I can escape the scratching dissonance of my desire to put this ache to a rest and, yet, the terror of the end’s imminence. I stare into myself with dead eyes and I feel like stabbing myself for stimulus because I can't feel and can't place what I long for with my own wistfulness. Each motion I make, each face I see, all that I do is done to combat the listlessness caused by the waves of mediocrity and my own pathetic lack of ambitiousness.
We all have bad ideas, so it's best to just admit defeat. You're not the Forum Leader, so if people want different poetry threads, let them.
I am not forcing anyone to do anything? They can absolutely feel free to post whatever, wherever. Not sure where you are getting my poetry dictatorship from. Haha
Maybe I have an attitude when you are around because you are always crapping on every single word I say? But, who knows, could be anything.
I don't crap on EVERY word you say. I am sure you say lots of things which I have no problem with both on here and in real life. But I think this thread is a moronic idea and I think people who act as if their pets are people deserve to be ridiculed (it is for their own good).