Plunder Update!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UltimateFriz, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. yes but we don't want to see it that way!! lol
  2. dear royale trisha,

    members list doesnt necessarily mean all those listed activated in war However, that can work on the beta wars as u suggested so. Also, it was way more fun when people involved n war are all excited to see who won after trying to push or close the gap during the last few mins... the adrenaline rush is incomparable needless to say.

    bring back the old war roster list
  3. I agree that plunder info is a distraction. People should be focused on the team effort,
    not individual gains. I remember how exciting war used to would be nice to resurrect that part of the "old pimd." War wasn't about making was about proving what your club could do.
  4. hfowidjfbheehhe suck it losers HAHAHAHHA lol suck it mods lol bye:twisted:
  5. Wow I got alot of support 
  6. bring back the old wars update based on strength, this is real war... Not pwar!!!
  7. PlayStar
  8. Leyn
  9. LMFAO JOPO
  10. Just currious, IOS hasn't gotten the ability to see who is active in party/war from the member list yet? Add that to your demands.
    While I do think the ranking by plunder is silly, Android users have been successfully warring this way. You'll get used to it.
  11. It's an irritating distraction. Please, make it go away. Plunder update list causes far more problems than it "solves."